Tabla que aparece antes del apéndice

Tabla que aparece antes del apéndice

Mi tabla aparece antes del título del Apéndice, en la parte superior de la página. Intenté usar varios comandos como [H], [H!], [hbt!] etc, pero no mueve mi mesa. ¿Quizás podría haber un conflicto con los paquetes aquí?

La parte inferior de mi documento se ve así:

% Loading bibliography database


\caption{Average peer effect - Pre-COVID sample.}
\begin{tabular}{l D{)}{)}{10)3} D{)}{)}{10)3} D{)}{)}{11)3} D{)}{)}{11)3}}
 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 3} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 4} \\

       \item \textit{Notes:} The table reports results of a logistic regression, explaining the probability for a dwelling to adopt a retrofit measure. 0-50 meters is a dummy variable for location between 0 and 50 meters from the nearest block leader; other distance variables are defined correspondingly (The reference category is a distance larger than 500 meters). Standard errors (clustered at community level) are in parentheses. *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10\%, 5\% and 1\% level respectively.   


Los paquetes que uso:


% If the frontmatter runs over more than one page
% use the longmktitle option.




No estoy familiarizado con la clase cas-dc y me da pereza descargarla, así que usé el artículo en su lugar. Además, renuncié al tabular en sí.

Esto coloca ambos \sectiony la tabla dentro \twocolumn[...]para hacer ambos anchos completos y en el orden correcto.

\usepackage{lipsum}% random text



  \captionof{table}{Average peer effect - Pre-COVID sample.}
    \item \textit{Notes:} The table reports results of a logistic regression, explaining the probability for a dwelling to adopt a retrofit measure. 0-50 meters is a dummy variable for location between 0 and 50 meters from the nearest block leader; other distance variables are defined correspondingly (The reference category is a distance larger than 500 meters). Standard errors (clustered at community level) are in parentheses. *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10\%, 5\% and 1\% level respectively.   



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