Busqué mucho en Google pero no encontré nada relevante. ¿Cómo crear en Tikz la siguiente figura?
Esto es lo que hice hasta ahora.
% Define angle and force magnitude
\def\angle{70} % Angle in degrees
\def\Fnorm{3} % Magnitude of the force vector
% Define coordinates
\coordinate (O) at (0,0); % Origin
\coordinate (P) at (1,1); % tail of force
\coordinate (F) at ({1 + \Fnorm * cos(\angle)}, {1 + \Fnorm * sin(\angle)}); % Force head
% Calculate coordinates for point Q
\coordinate (Q) at ({1 + 1.2*cos(\angle)}, {1 + 1.2*sin(\angle)});
% Draw the force vector
\draw[-latex, thick, blue] (P) -- (F) node[midway, right] {$\vec{F}$};
% Draw position vectors
\draw[-latex, thick, red] (O) -- (P) node[midway, right] {$\vec{r}$};
\draw[-latex, thick, orange] (O) -- (Q) node[midway, left] {$\vec{r'}$};
\fill (Q) circle[radius=1pt] node[ left] {$Q$};
\fill (P) circle[radius=1pt] node[below right] {$P$};
\fill (O) circle[radius=1pt] node[ below] {$O$}; % origin
¿Cómo puedo obtener fácilmente las proyecciones a lo largo de la dirección del vector OP y normal a él, el brazo de momento y el vector rizado que representa el vector de momento?
Muchas gracias por cualquier ayuda.
Para obtener una PF
longitud 3 veces mayor que OP
, utilizo la let
\path let \p1=($(P)-(O)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)},
(O)--(P)--([turn]\angle:\n1*\Fnorm])coordinate (F);
Cambié la forma en que definiste las coordenadas para simplificar los cálculos. Y he hecho muchos cambios, así que no tengo tiempo para explicarlos todos. Te dejaré echar un vistazo al código y, si hay algo que no entiendes, dímelo y te lo explicaré.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\footnotesize}]
% Define angle and force magnitude
\def\angle{60} % Angle in degrees
\def\Fnorm{3} % Magnitude of the force vector
% Define coordinates
\coordinate[label=left:O] (O) at (0,0); % Origin
\coordinate (P) at (2,1); % tail of force
\path let \p1=($(P)-(O)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)},
(O)--(P)--([turn]\angle:\n1*\Fnorm])coordinate (F);
\coordinate[label=left:Q] (Q) at ($(P)!.4!(F)$);
\fill (Q) circle[radius=1pt];
% Draw the force vector
\draw[-latex, thick, blue] (P) -- (F) node[midway, right] {$\vec{F}$};
% Draw position vectors
\draw[-latex, thick, red] (O) -- (P) node[midway, above,yshift=-3pt] {$\vec{r}$};
\draw[-latex, thick, orange] (O) -- (Q) node[midway, left] {$\vec{r'}$};
\fill (P) circle[radius=1pt] node[below right] {$P$};
\fill (O) circle[radius=1pt];% node[ below] {$O$}; % origin
\coordinate (H) at ($(O)!(F)!(P)$);
\draw[dashed] (P)--($(P)!1.2!(H)$);
\coordinate(H') at ($(F)!(O)!(P)$);
\draw[dashed] (P)--($(P)!1.5!(H')$);
\pic[draw,pic text=$\theta$,angle radius=4mm,angle eccentricity=1.35]{angle=O--P--H'};
\pic[draw,pic text=$\theta$,angle radius=4mm,angle eccentricity=1.35]{angle=H--P--F};
\node[inner sep=0pt] (Mo) at (barycentric cs:O=1,P=-.5 ,F=1){$M_o$};
\draw[->,very thick, blue] (Mo.south west)to[out=-90,in=-90,looseness=2](Mo.south east);
Publico mi código actualizado como respuesta. Lejos de la imagen wiki, pero aún así puede ser útil para otros.
\usepackage{amsmath} % for trigonometric functions
% Draw axes
\draw[->] (-0.5,0) -- (3,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,3) node[above] {$y$};
% Define point P
\coordinate (P) at (1,1);
% Define point O
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
% Calculate coordinates of point Q
\pgfmathsetmacro{\phhi}{60} % angle in degrees
\pgfmathsetmacro{\magnitude}{3} % magnitude of vector PQ
\pgfmathsetmacro{\qx}{\magnitude * cos(\phhi)} % x-coordinate of Q
\pgfmathsetmacro{\qy}{\magnitude * sin(\phhi)} % y-coordinate of Q
% Define point Q
\coordinate (Q) at ({1 + \qx}, {1 + \qy});
% Calculate coordinates for parallel and perpendicular components of F
\pgfmathsetmacro{\thheta}{45} % angle in degrees
\pgfmathsetmacro{\parallelX}{\magnitude * cos(\phhi-\thheta)*cos(\thheta)} % x-coordinate of F_parallel
\pgfmathsetmacro{\parallelY}{\magnitude * cos(\phhi-\thheta)*sin(\thheta)} % y-coordinate of F_parallel
\coordinate (R) at ({1 + \parallelX}, {1 + \parallelY}); % Endpoint of F_parallel
\pgfmathsetmacro{\perpendicularX}{\magnitude * sin(\phhi-\thheta)*sin(\thheta)} % x-coordinate of F_perpendicular
\pgfmathsetmacro{\perpendicularY}{\magnitude * sin(\phhi-\thheta)*cos(\thheta)} % y-coordinate of F_perpendicular
\coordinate (S) at ({1 - \perpendicularX}, {1 + \perpendicularY}); % Endpoint of F_perpendicular
% Calculate coordinates of point T
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Tx}{sqrt(2) * cos(90-\phhi) * sin(\phhi-\thheta)} % x-coordinate of T
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ty}{-sqrt(2) * sin(90-\phhi) * sin(\phhi-\thheta)} % y-coordinate of T
% Define point T
\coordinate (T) at (\Tx, \Ty);
% Draw vector PQ
\draw[-latex, thick] (P) -- (Q) node[midway, above] {$\vec{F}$};
% Draw vector OP
\draw[-latex, thick] (O) -- (P) node[midway, above] {$\vec{r}$};
% Draw vector F_parallel
\draw[-latex, thick] (P) -- (R) node[midway, below right] {$\vec{F_{\parallel}}$};
% Draw vector F_perpendicular
\draw[-latex, thick] (P) -- (S) node[midway, left] {$\vec{F_{\perp}}$};
% Draw point P
\fill (P) circle[radius=2pt] node[below right] {$P$};
% Draw point O
\fill (O) circle[radius=2pt] node[below left] {$O$};
% Draw dashed lines for projections
\draw[dashed] (S) -- (Q) -- (R);
% Draw arc for angle theta
\draw (0.5,0) arc[start angle=0,end angle=45,radius=0.5cm];
\node at (0.7,0.3) {$\theta$}; % Label for angle theta
% Draw the arc for angle phi
\draw (1,1) +(0:0.5cm) arc[start angle=0, end angle=\phhi, radius=0.5cm];
\node at (1.6,1.3) {$\phi$}; % Label for angle phi
% Draw arc for angle phi - theta
\draw (1,1) +(\thheta:1cm) arc[start angle=\thheta, end angle=\phhi, radius=1cm];
\node at (1.65,1.9) {$\alpha$}; % Label for angle phi - theta
% Draw dotted line from P to (2,1)
\draw[dotted] (P) -- (2,1);
% Draw dashed line from O to T
\draw[dashed] (O) -- (T);
% Draw dashed line from P to T
\draw[dashed] (P) -- (T);
a partir del código de AndréC con tkz-elements
, definimos los puntos con tkz-euclide
o tikz
, realizamos los trazados.
El código
% !TeX program = lualatex
angle = math.pi/3
Fnorm = 3
z.O = point: new (0,0)
z.P = point: new (2,1)
-- translation and rotation
V.v = vector: new (z.O,z.P)
V.w = Fnorm*V.v
-- in one step
z.F = z.P : rotation (angle,V.w.head : at (z.P))
-- or in two steps
--z.Pp = V.w.head : at (z.P)
-- rotation
--z.F = z.P : rotation (angle,z.Pp)
L.PF = line : new (z.P,z.F)
z.Q = L.PF : barycenter (6,4)
-- projection
z.Op = L.PF: projection(z.O)
L.OP = line : new (z.O,z.P)
z.Fp = L.OP: projection(z.F)
%\draw[help lines] (0,0)grid(8,8);
% points
\tkzLabelPoints[below right](P)
% line
\tkzDrawLine[dashed,add = 0 and 0.25](P,O')
\tkzDrawLine[dashed,add = 0 and 0.25](P,F')
% vecteurs
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, blue](P,F)
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, red](O,P)
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, orange](O,Q)
\tkzDrawSegments(O,O' F,F')
% angle
\tkzMarkAngles[size = 0.4](O,P,O' F',P,F)
% code AndréC
\node[inner sep=0pt] (Mo) at (barycentric cs:O=1,P=-.5 ,F=1){$M_o$};
\draw[->,very thick, blue] (Mo.south west)to[out=-90,in=-90,looseness=2](Mo.south east);
Con tkz-elements
intenté usar la clase Matrix.
% !TeX program = lualatex
z.P = point : new (2,1)
angle = math.pi/3
Fnorm = 3
z.O = point : new (0,0)
V.OP = z.P.mtx : homogenization ()
--V.OP : print () tex.print('\\\\')
M = matrix : htm (angle , z.P.re , z.P.im)
--M : print () tex.print('\\\\')
S = matrix : square (3,Fnorm,0,0,0,Fnorm,0,0,0,1)
--S : print () tex.print('\\\\')
V.F = M * S * V.OP
--V.F : print () tex.print('\\\\')
z.F = get_htm_point(V.F)
L.PF = line : new (z.P,z.F)
z.Q = L.PF : barycenter (6,4)
-- projection
z.Op = L.PF: projection(z.O)
L.OP = line : new (z.O,z.P)
z.Fp = L.OP: projection(z.F)
% points
\tkzLabelPoints[below right](P)
% line
\tkzDrawLine[dashed,add = 0 and 0.25](P,O')
\tkzDrawLine[dashed,add = 0 and 0.25](P,F')
% vecteurs
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, blue](P,F)
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, red](O,P)
\tkzDrawSegments[-latex, thick, orange](O,Q)
\tkzDrawSegments(O,O' F,F')
% angle
\tkzMarkAngles[size = 0.4](O,P,O' F',P,F)
% code AndréC
\node[inner sep=0pt] (Mo) at (barycentric cs:O=1,P=-.5 ,F=1){$M_o$};
\draw[->,very thick, blue] (Mo.south west)to[out=-90,in=-90,looseness=2](Mo.south east);