Eliminar la sangría de una línea o párrafo dentro del entorno de enumeración

Eliminar la sangría de una línea o párrafo dentro del entorno de enumeración

Vea el cuadro azul en la captura de pantalla. tengo un párrafoADENTROuna enumeración. Quiero eliminar la sangría para que el párrafo quede alineado a la izquierda SIN sangría.

Caja azul

A continuación se muestra mi código de trabajo:


    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
        This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 


A mi modo de ver, el problema visual/estético se debe a que la mesa de la izquierda es bastante más ancha que 0.5\linewidth. Una vez que asigna anchos relativos más apropiados a los minipageentornos (por ejemplo, 0.65\linewidthy 0.35\linewidth), la diferencia entre los diseños de las tablas dentro y fuera del enumerateentorno es mucho menos evidente.

En cualquier caso, a menos que sus tablas tengan grandes limitaciones de espacio (que no es el caso aquí), recomendaríanometerse con el diseño del enumerateentorno.

Por separado, simplifique sus tablas deshaciéndose de la multitud de \multicolumn{1}{|l|}{...}envoltorios \multicolumn{1}{l|}{...}y deshaciéndose del tabularentorno "externo". También puede ser una buena idea darle a la mesa un "aspecto" más abierto, utilizando menos reglas horizontales pero bien espaciadas. Consulte la siguiente captura de pantalla y el código para obtener algunas sugerencias de codificación específicas.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default nowadays
\usepackage{setspace} \setstretch{1.1}
\usepackage{parskip} % zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip

\usepackage{enumerate} % I'd use 'enumitem' package



\item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
\item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
\item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line.

% Table 1       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 2           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        

\item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 


The enumeration ends here.


This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 
This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 

% Table 3       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss}    \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 4           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        




Apéndicepara abordar la pregunta revisada del OP,verbigracia.,

Todo lo que quiero es eliminar la sangría DENTRO de la enumeración de un párrafo.

Para eso, basta con (a) asegurarse de que el enumitempaquete esté cargado, como es el caso en la consulta revisada publicada por el OP, (b) insertar


justo antes de

This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.

y (c) insertar


inmediatamentedespuésese párrafo, sino también antes de la próxima \itemdirectiva.


Idea robada de la clase de examen.


\newcommand{\fullwidth}[1]{% #1 = text
  \par\hspace*{-\@totalleftmargin}\parbox{\textwidth}{\strut #1\strut}\par}

    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
\fullwidth{This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.}

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 

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