Convierta todos los nombres y apellidos en mayúsculas a minúsculas, excepto la primera letra del nombre y apellido

Convierta todos los nombres y apellidos en mayúsculas a minúsculas, excepto la primera letra del nombre y apellido

Una vez realizada la compilación, tengo el siguiente resultado:

Mayúsculas en todos los nombres/apellidos

Como puede ver, todos los nombres y apellidos están en mayúsculas.

Sin embargo, utilizo la siguiente bibliografía:

    author = "W. McCrea",
    title = "Newtonian Cosmology",
    journal = "Nature",
    volume = "175",
    pages = "466",
    year = "1955"

    author = "A. R. Thatcher",
    title = "Newtonian cosmology and Friedmann's equation",
    journal = "Eur. J. Phys.",
    volume = "3",
    pages = "202",
    year = "1982"

    author = "J. D. Barrow",
    title = "Non-Euclidean Newtonian Cosmology",
    journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity",
    volume = "37",
    pages = "125007",
    year = "2020"

    author = "A. Liddle",
    title = "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology",
    edition = "3",
    publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons",
    year = "2015"

    author = "B. Ryden",
    title = "Introduction to Cosmology",
    edition = "2",
    publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
    year = "2016"

    author = "S. Weinberg",
    title = "Cosmology",
    publisher = "Oxford University Press",
    year = "2008"

    author = "S. Dodelson and F. Schmidt",
    title = "Modern Cosmology",
    edition = "2",
    publisher = "Elsevier Science",
    year = "2020"

    author = "P. Lemos, A. Lewis",
    title = "CMB constraints on the early universe independent of late time cosmology",
    eprint = "2302.12911",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO",
    year = "2023"

    author = "C. Umilta, J. F. Cardoso, K. Benabed, M. Le Jeune",
    title = "The CMB angular power spectrum via component separation: a study on Planck data",
    journal = "A \& A",
    volume = "624",
    pages = "A67",
    year = "2019"

    author = "A. Maniyar, G. Lagache, M. Béthermin, S. Ilic",
    title = "Constraining cosmology with the cosmic microwave and infrared backgrounds correlation",
    journal = "A \& A",
    volume = "621",
    pages = "A32",
    year = "2019"

    author = "G. E. Addison, G. Hinshaw, M. Halpern, and others",
    title = "Cosmological constraints from baryon acoustic oscillations and clustering of large-scale structure",
    journal = "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society",
    volume = "436",
    issue = "2",
    pages = "1674–1683",
    year = "2013"

    author = "J. L. Bernal, T. L. Smith, K. K. Boddy, M. Kamionkowski",
    title = "Robustness of baryon acoustic oscillation constraints for early-universe modifications to \(\Lambda\)CDM",
    journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
    volume = "102",
    pages = "123515",
    year = "2020"

    author = "X. Zhang, Qing-Guo Huang",
    title = "Commun. Theor. Phys.",
    volume = "71",
    pages = "826",
    year = "2019"

    author = "W. E. Ballinger, J. A. Peacock, A. F. Heavens",
    title = "Measuring the cosmological constant with redshift surveys",
    journal = "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society",
    volume = "282",
    pages = "877",
    year = "1996"

    author = "C. L. Bennett et al.",
    title = "The Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) Mission",
    journal = "ApJ",
    volume = "583",
    issue = "1",
    pages = "1–23",
    year = "2003"

Como puede ver, la bibliografía está bien escrita con una primera mayúscula para nombres y apellidos y minúsculas para el resto de nombres y apellidos.

El orden no es el mismo ya que creo que lo he usado en main.tex, es decir, este:

\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=numeric,natbib=true,sorting=none]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)

\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography

\usepackage[ED=SDU2E-Ast, Ets=UT3]{tlsflyleaf} % Packaged to generate the first page

¿Cómo solucionar este problema de nombres/apellidos en mayúsculas completas?

PD: querrás ese "ET AL". también está en mayúsculas en algunos puntos.

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