Dibuja un anillo tridimensional.

Dibuja un anillo tridimensional.

¿Puedes ayudarme a dibujar esta figura?




        %upper ring
        \draw[fill=yellow](0,0) ellipse(2 cm and .7 cm);
        \draw[fill=white](0,0) ellipse(1.67 cm and .5 cm);
        \draw(2,0)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X1);
        \draw(-2,0)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X2);
        \draw (X1) arc(0:-180:2cm and .6cm);
        %lower ring
            \draw[fill=yellow](0,-4) ellipse(2 cm and .7 cm);
        \draw[fill=white](0,-4) ellipse(1.67 cm and .5 cm);
        \draw(2,-4)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X1a);
        \draw(-2,-4)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X2a);
        \draw (X1a) arc(0:-180:2cm and .6cm);
        \foreach\y in{-4.1,-4.15, ..., -5.9} \draw(2,\y) arc(0:-180: 2cm and .6cm);
        %the cylinder 
        \draw[fill=yellow](0,3) ellipse(1.3 cm and .5 cm);
        \draw(1.3,3)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X1);
        \draw(-1.3,3)--++(0,-\d) coordinate(X2);
        \draw (X1) arc(0:-180:1.3cm and .5cm);
        \draw(K1)to[battery] (K0);
        \draw(K0)to[battery] (K2);
    \draw(-2.3,2)node[left] {ferrous core}--++(1,-.2);
    \draw(-2.6,0)node[left] {aluminium ring}--++(.7,-.2);
    \draw(-2.6,-5)node[left] {coil of insulated wire}--++(.7,-.2);



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



Versión monocromática también pero conservando los forzados tonos metálicos.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


\pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground layer}
\pgfsetlayers{background layer,main,foreground layer}
                \coordinate (#6--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#6--west) at (180:#2);
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{background layer}
                    \fill[fill=#5,even odd rule]
                            arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            -- (180:#2-#3) 
                            arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                            arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            -- cycle;
                    \draw[black](0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](0:#2-#3) arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \foreach \r in {45,135}{%forced radial shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=20}] in {0,2,...,20}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)  -- (\r-\s+\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt) -- cycle;
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}
                    \fill[fill=#5,even odd rule]
                        arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- (360+1:#2-#3)
                        arc (360+1:180-1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                        arc (360:180:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- cycle;
                            arc (360:180:#2 and #2*\alt)
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2) arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2-#3) arc (180-1:360+1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \foreach \r in {-45,-135}{%forced radial shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=20}] in {0,2,...,20}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)  -- (\r-\s+\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt) -- cycle;
                    \foreach \r in {-45,-90}{%forced radial side shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=20}] in {0,2,...,20}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- ++(0,-#4) arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
                \coordinate (#5--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#5--west) at (180:#2);
                \fill[draw,fill=#4] (0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) -- ++ (0,-#3) arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
                \draw[black](0:#2) arc (0:360:#2 and #2*\alt);
                \foreach \r in {135,45,-45,-135}{%forced radial shade
                    \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=20}] in {0,2,...,20}{
                        \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                        (0,0) -- (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                        arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- cycle;
                \foreach \r in {-85,-135}{%forced radial side shade
                    \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=20}] in {0,2,...,20}{
                        \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                        (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                        arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- ++(0,-#3) arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
        %The metals
        \foreach \i in {1,...,18}{%Generate 18 named rings from CuRing-1 to CuRing-18
        %The circuit
        (C14--east)%From te coordinate east of CuRing-14
            -| ++(1,1)% Squared path first horizontal then vertical to x+1 and y+1 from previous coordinate (x,y)
            to [nos] ++(2,0)%Normal Open Switch from previous coordinate (x',y') to (x'+2,y'+0)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            -- ++ (-2,0)
            |- (C2--east);
        \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}    
            \draw($(A--west)+(0.5,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {ferrous core};
            \draw($(B--west)+(0.25,0)$) -- ++(-1.2,0.5)node[left] {Aluminium ring};
            \draw($(C18--west)+(0.07,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {Coil of insulated wire};


Esta es la opción sólo con rellenos blancos.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


\pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground layer}
\pgfsetlayers{background layer,main,foreground layer}
                \coordinate (#6--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#6--west) at (180:#2);
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{background layer}
                    \fill[fill=#5,even odd rule]
                            arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            -- (180:#2-#3) 
                            arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                            arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            -- cycle;
                    \draw[black](0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](0:#2-#3) arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);                  
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}
                    \fill[fill=#5,even odd rule]
                        arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- (360+1:#2-#3)
                        arc (360+1:180-1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                        arc (360:180:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- cycle;
                            arc (360:180:#2 and #2*\alt)
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2) arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2-#3) arc (180-1:360+1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                \coordinate (#5--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#5--west) at (180:#2);
                \fill[draw,fill=#4] (0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) -- ++ (0,-#3) arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
                \draw[black](0:#2) arc (0:360:#2 and #2*\alt);
        %The metals
        \foreach \i in {1,...,18}{%Generate 18 named rings from CuRing-1 to CuRing-18
        %The circuit
        (C14--east)%From te coordinate east of CuRing-14
            -| ++(1,1)% Squared path first horizontal then vertical to x+1 and y+1 from previous coordinate (x,y)
            to [nos] ++(2,0)%Normal Open Switch from previous coordinate (x',y') to (x'+2,y'+0)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            -- ++ (-2,0)
            |- (C2--east);
        \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}    
            \draw($(A--west)+(0.5,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {ferrous core};
            \draw($(B--west)+(0.25,0)$) -- ++(-1.2,0.5)node[left] {Aluminium ring};
            \draw($(C18--west)+(0.07,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {Coil of insulated wire};

Bueno prácticamente dibujaste todo, lo que queda por resolver es como hacer que se muestre como objetos 3D, bueno para eso es necesario trabajar con 2 capas adicionales, una para los objetos de atrás y otra para los objetos de enfrente, entonces ya que está sobre metales agregué todos los tipos de tonos disponibles que tengo, para no tener que repetir todo, lo agrupé en 2 objetos de dibujo, que son el anillo y el cilindro, después de algunas pruebas y errores los arreglé para que puedas dibujar ellos en una posición específica con un radio, ancho, largo, color y nombre determinado, de esa manera puedo aplicar las sombras a todos los objetos sin tener que escribir todo nuevamente, y como el anillo está en las capas frontal y posterior, y el cilindro en la capa por defecto, dan la impresión de que el cilindro pasa por el medio del anillo, hay una variable \alt, con la que puedes modificar la altura de la vista 3D aparente.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

MWE: (nota: la compilación puede tardar unos segundos más de lo habitual, esto se debe a que se iteran las sombras forzadas muchas veces)

\pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground layer}
\pgfsetlayers{background layer,main,foreground layer}
                \coordinate (#6--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#6--west) at (180:#2);
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{background layer}
                    \shade[left color=#5,even odd rule](0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) -- (180:#2-#3) arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \shade[draw,right color=black,left color=#5]
                            arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (180:0:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            -- cycle;
                    \draw[black](0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](0:#2-#3) arc (0:180:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \foreach \r in {45,135}{%forced radial shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=30}] in {0,2,...,30}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)  -- (\r-\s+\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt) -- cycle;
                \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}
                    \shade[left color=#5,even odd rule]
                        arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- (360+1:#2-#3)
                        arc (360+1:180-1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \shade[draw,left color=black!60!#5,middle color=#5,right color=#5!50!white]
                        arc (360:180:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt)
                        -- cycle;
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2) arc (180-1:360+1:#2 and #2*\alt);
                    \draw[black](180-1:#2-#3) arc (180-1:360+1:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt);
                    \foreach \r in {-45,-135}{%forced radial shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=30}] in {0,2,...,30}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)  -- (\r-\s+\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt)
                            arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2-#3 and #2*\alt-#3*\alt) -- cycle;
                    \foreach \r in {-45,-90}{%forced radial side shade
                        \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=30}] in {0,2,...,30}{
                            \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                            (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                            arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- ++(0,-#4) arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;

                \coordinate (#5--east) at (0:#2);
                \coordinate (#5--west) at (180:#2);
                \shade[draw,left color=black!60!#4,middle color=#4,right color=#4!50!white] (0:#2) arc (0:180:#2 and #2*\alt) -- ++ (0,-#3) arc (180:360:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
                \shade[draw,left color=#4](0:#2) arc (0:360:#2 and #2*\alt);
                \foreach \r in {135,45,-45,-135}{%forced radial shade
                    \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=30}] in {0,2,...,30}{
                        \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                        (0,0) -- (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                        arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- cycle;
                \foreach \r in {-85,-135}{%forced radial side shade
                    \foreach \i [evaluate={\s=30}] in {0,2,...,30}{
                        \fill [black, fill opacity=1/50] 
                        (\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) 
                        arc (\r+\s-\i:\r-\s+\i:#2 and #2*\alt)-- ++(0,-#3) arc (\r-\s+\i:\r+\s-\i:#2 and #2*\alt) -- cycle;
        %The metals
        \foreach \i in {1,...,18}{%Generate 18 named rings from CuRing-1 to CuRing-18
        %The circuit
        (CuRing-14--east)%From te coordinate east of CuRing-14
            -| ++(1,1)% Squared path first horizontal then vertical to x+1 and y+1 from previous coordinate (x,y)
            to [nos] ++(2,0)%Normal Open Switch from previous coordinate (x',y') to (x'+2,y'+0)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            to [battery] ++ (0,-1.4)
            -- ++ (-2,0)
            |- (CuRing-2--east);
        \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}    
        \draw($(FeCore-1--west)+(0.5,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {ferrous core};
        \draw($(AlRing-1--west)+(0.25,0)$) -- ++(-1.2,0.5)node[left] {Aluminium ring};
        \draw($(CuRing-18--west)+(0.07,0)$) -- ++(-1,0.5)node[left] {Coil of insulated wire};

información relacionada