Tengo un conjunto básico de archivos tex donde el archivo principal test0.tex
intenta cargar las imágenes producidas con Tikz en los otros tres archivos test1.tex
, test2.tex
y test3.tex
. esto es lo que he escrito
%%%%%%%% test0.tex %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pre-Load Packages Order %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[mode=buildnew,group=true,subpreambles=false]{standalone} % For side loaded Tikz Figures
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{graphicx} % for Figures
\usepackage{pgfplots} % For plotting
\usepackage{tikz} % For the background and plotting
\author{Boaty McBoatface}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test2.pdf}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test3.pdf}
%%%%%%%% test1.tex %%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (1,2) (2,3) (3,0)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#1}};
%%%%%%% test2.text %%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (-1,-1) (1,0) (-2,3)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#2}};
%%%%%%% test3.tex %%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (1,1) (2,4) (-3,6)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#3}};
Cuando corro test0.tex
desde cero me sale:
Ahora, si cambio las líneas test0.tex
de \includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}
a \includestandalone[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1}
(lo mismo para las otras dos), ¡las imágenes se cargan!
Sin embargo, se cargan más lento (al menos lo hacen en el proyecto real que estoy usando, que tiene cifras bastante considerables). Sin embargo, puedo volver a las líneas originales que llaman \includegraphics
y obtengo el mismo resultado solo que mucho más rápido. La pregunta a la que me dirijo en última instancia es: ¿Existe alguna manera de que mis imágenes se carguen más rápido (al menos al recompilar) que si las uso \includestandalone
sin tener que volver a editar el archivo cada vez que compilo desde cero?