Sangrar el texto como desees

Sangrar el texto como desees

Me gustaría sangrar el texto de la siguiente manera:mifig.png

Lo intenté, pero no pude encontrar una buena solución para esto. Cualquier ayuda sería apreciada...


Quieres utilizar el descriptionmedio ambiente.





Something to tell what this book is about. Now we
describe the contents of each chapter.

\item[Chapter 2] deals with gnus, big animals rarely found in Arctic
regions, but that frequently plague silly text examples like this.
Note that gnus are not to be confused with gnats, that are much
smaller animals; enough of this silliness to fill up more than
two lines.

\item[Chapter 3] deals with reindeer, big animals that live in
cold countries and that are very important in this time of the year.
We'll tell how to possibly see reindeer, by remaining awake all the
night between 24 and 25 December.

Something more about the text.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Es posible que desee personalizar la lista de descripciones; en este caso enumitemse recomienda el paquete. En el ejemplo, la sangría se establece igual a la sangría de párrafo normal.





Something to tell what this book is about. Now we
describe the contents of each chapter.

\item[Chapter 2] deals with gnus, big animals rarely found in Arctic
regions, but that frequently plague silly text examples like this.
Note that gnus are not to be confused with gnats, that are much
smaller animals; enough of this silliness to fill up more than
two lines.

\item[Chapter 3] deals with reindeer, big animals that live in
cold countries and that are very important in this time of the year.
We'll tell how to possibly see reindeer, by remaining awake all the 
night between 24 and 25 December.


Something more about the text.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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