¿Cómo consigo que tcpsvd elimine sus privilegios de root?

¿Cómo consigo que tcpsvd elimine sus privilegios de root?

Supongamos que un script se ejecuta al arrancar como root. Desde este script quiero empezar tcpsvd -E 0 515 lpd. Quiero tcpsvdejecutar como usuario sin privilegios. Pero requiere privilegios de root para conectarse al puerto 515. ¿Cómo puedo lograr esto?

Además tengo que usar busybox tcpsvd:

tcpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u USER] [-l NAME] IP PORT PROG

Create TCP socket, bind to IP:PORT and listen for incoming connection.
Run PROG for each connection.

    IP              IP to listen on. '0' = all
    PORT            Port to listen on
    PROG [ARGS]     Program to run
    -l NAME         Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)
    -u USER[:GRP]   Change to user/group after bind
    -c N            Handle up to N connections simultaneously
    -b N            Allow a backlog of approximately N TCP SYNs
    -C N[:MSG]      Allow only up to N connections from the same IP
                    New connections from this IP address are closed
                    immediately. MSG is written to the peer before close
    -h              Look up peer's hostname
    -E              Do not set up environment variables
    -v              Verbose


Debe hacer que el programa se vincule al puerto mientras se ejecuta como root y luego cambiar a su usuario sin privilegios. tcpsvdofrece la -uopción de hacer esto:

 -u user[:group]
          drop permissions.  Switch user ID to user’s UID, and group ID to
          user’s primary GID after creating and binding to the socket.  If
          user  is  followed  by a colon and a group name, the group ID is
          switched to the GID of group instead.  All supplementary  groups
          are removed.

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