El servidor SFTP no se inicia

El servidor SFTP no se inicia

Tengo problemas para que sFTP funcione mientras no hay problemas con ssh. Básicamente, estoy construyendo zlib, openssl y openssh para un procesador ARM utilizando un sistema de archivos Linux integrado existente. Después de buscar ideas, este parecía un problema común, pero no he logrado ningún progreso. Solo tengo definido un usuario que es root con la contraseña vacía.

Estoy usando openssh versión 4.7p1 y modifiqué sshd_config con la siguiente configuración:

PermitRootLogin yes
PermitEmptyPasswords yes
UseDNS yes
UsePrivilegeSeparation no
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel DEBUG3
Subsystem sftp /usr/local/libexec/sftp-server -f AUTH -l DEBUG3

El servidor sftp está ubicado en /usr/local/libexec y tiene los siguientes permisos:

root@arm:/usr/local/libexec# ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         65533 Oct  3 22:12 sftp-server
-rwx--x--x    1 root     root        233539 Oct  3 22:12 ssh-keysign

Sé que se está encontrando el servidor sftp (la ruta está configurada en sshd_config) porque si cambio el nombre del ejecutable sftp_server, aparece el siguiente error:

auth.err sshd[1698]: error: subsystem: cannot stat /usr/local/libexec/sftp-server: No such file or directory                                                        
auth.info sshd[1698]: subsystem request for sftp failed, subsystem not found   

Además, los scripts de inicio de sesión del objetivo son muy simples y constan de un solo archivo (etc/profile.d/local.sh), que solo contiene definiciones para LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH y PYTHONPATH como se muestra a continuación:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/libexec:${PATH}"
export PYTHONPATH="/home/root/python"

Como puede ver, .bashrc, .profile, etc. no existen en el directorio de inicio de root:

root@arm:~# ls -la                                                                                                                                                                      
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Oct  4 14:57 .                                                                                                                                    
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          4096 Oct  4 01:11 ..                                                                                                                                   
-rw-------    1 root     root           120 Oct  4 01:21 .bash_history

Aquí está el resultado del registro del sistema cuando se usa FileZilla para conectarse al servidor SFTP en el destino. Según el registro, parece que se encuentra el ejecutable del servidor sftp, pero se sale del proceso secundario inmediatamente. Estoy usando argumentos de depuración cuando llamo a sftp-server en sshd_config (Subsistema sftp /usr/local/libexec/sftp-server -f AUTH -l DEBUG3), pero no se capturaron registros.

Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.info sshd[2070]: Connection from port 45888                                                                                                       
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: Client protocol version 2.0; client software version PuTTY_Local:_Mar_28_2012_12:33:05                                               
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: no match: PuTTY_Local:_Mar_28_2012_12:33:05                                                                                          
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: list_hostkey_types: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received                                                                                                            
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellma1
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,rijndael-cbc@lysr
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,rijndael-cbc@lysr
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,[email protected],hmac-ripemd160,[email protected],hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96         
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,[email protected],hmac-ripemd160,[email protected],hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96         
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,[email protected]                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,[email protected]                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows 0                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: reserved 0                                                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellma1
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc,[email protected],aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-ctr,blowfi8
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc,[email protected],aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-ctr,blowfi8
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib                                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib                                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows 0                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: reserved 0                                                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: mac_setup: found hmac-sha1                                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: kex: client->server aes256-ctr hmac-sha1 none                                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: mac_setup: found hmac-sha1                                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: kex: server->client aes256-ctr hmac-sha1 none                                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD received                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP sent                                                                                                       
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: dh_gen_key: priv key bits set: 277/512                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: bits set: 2052/4096                                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: bits set: 2036/4096                                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY sent                                                                                                       
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: kex_derive_keys                                                                                                                      
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: set_newkeys: mode 1                                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: cipher_init: set keylen (16 -> 32)                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:45 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS                                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: set_newkeys: mode 0                                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: cipher_init: set keylen (16 -> 32)                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received                                                                                                            
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: KEX done                                                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: userauth-request for user root service ssh-connection method none                                                                    
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: attempt 0 failures 0                                                                                                                 
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: Trying to reverse map address                                                                                          
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: parse_server_config: config reprocess config len 302                                                                                 
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: input_userauth_request: setting up authctxt for root                                                                                 
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: input_userauth_request: try method none                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.info sshd[2070]: Accepted none for root from port 45888 ssh2                                                                                      
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: Entering interactive session for SSH2.                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: fd 5 setting O_NONBLOCK                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: server_init_dispatch_20                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: server_input_channel_open: ctype session rchan 256 win 2147483647 max 16384                                                          
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: input_session_request                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: channel 0: new [server-session]                                                                                                      
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_new: init                                                                                                                    
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_new: session 0                                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_open: channel 0                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_open: session 0: link with channel 0                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: server_input_channel_open: confirm session                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: server_input_channel_req: channel 0 request [email protected] reply 0                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_by_channel: session 0 channel 0                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_input_channel_req: session 0 req [email protected]                                                          
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: server_input_channel_req: channel 0 request subsystem reply 1                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_by_channel: session 0 channel 0                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_input_channel_req: session 0 req subsystem                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.info sshd[2070]: subsystem request for sftp                                                                                                                    
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: subsystem: exec() /usr/local/libexec/sftp-server -f AUTH -l DEBUG3                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: fd 3 setting TCP_NODELAY                                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: fd 7 setting O_NONBLOCK                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: fd 7 is O_NONBLOCK                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2073]: debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/0                                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2073]: debug3: channel 0: close_fds r -1 w -1 e -1 c -1                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: read<=0 rfd 7 len -1                                                                                                      
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: read failed                                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: close_read                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: input open -> drain                                                                                                       
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: ibuf empty                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: send eof                                                                                                                  
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: input drain -> closed                                                                                                     
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: notify_done: reading                                                                                                                 
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: Received SIGCHLD.                                                                                                                    
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_by_pid: pid 2073                                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_exit_message: session 0 channel 0 pid 2073                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: request exit-status confirm 0                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_exit_message: release channel 0                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: write failed                                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: close_write                                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: output open -> closed                                                                                                     
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: send close                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: channel 0: will not send data after close                                                                                            
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: rcvd close                                                                                                                
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: channel 0: will not send data after close                                                                                            
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: is dead                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: gc: notify user                                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_by_channel: session 0 channel 0                                                                                              
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_close_by_channel: channel 0 child 0                                                                                          
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: session_close: session 0 pid 0                                                                                                       
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: gc: user detached                                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: is dead                                                                                                                   
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug2: channel 0: garbage collecting                                                                                                        
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: channel 0: free: server-session, nchannels 1                                                                                         
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: channel 0: status: The following connections are open:\r\n  #0 server-session (t4 r256 i3/0 o3/0 fd 7/7 cfd -1)\r\n                  
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug3: channel 0: close_fds r 7 w 7 e -1 c -1                                                                                               
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.info sshd[2070]: Connection closed by                                                                                                             
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.debug sshd[2070]: debug1: do_cleanup                                                                                                                           
Oct  4 14:29:46 arm auth.info sshd[2070]: Closing connection to 


Si bien esto es más una solución alternativa que una respuesta directa a su problema, intentaría usar el servidor sftp interno en lugar de uno externo. Dado que se trata de un sistema integrado, probablemente tenga más sentido hacerlo de todos modos.

En tu sshd_config, solo agrega:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

De esa manera puedes omitir el binario sftp y ahorrar algo de espacio.

información relacionada