.net and php on same host?

.net and php on same host?

I apologise if this is an idiot question but I've not had much expertise in this area.

I have a php website which needs to work under the same domain name as .net website, how can I go about achieving this? My first thought was to host them both together but I wasn't sure if you could run two different languages on the same hosting? I would be most grateful if you could let me know.


There may be alternative / better solutions however can definitely do this under Windows using IIS - the simplest method would be to either tell IIS to handle all requests for files with .php extensions using PHP, or alternatively to have IIS handle requests in one virtual directory with PHP and requests in another virtual directory using ASP.Net.

There are plenty of resources on the web on how to run PHP under IIS / Windows:


Of course you can run both. There's absolutelly no problem with that. If you need hosting provider, you should look for windows (iis) hosting that supports PHP (there's plenty). If you host yourself, see Kragen's answer.


Absolutely yes, nowadays you can find many windows hostng provider that support both PHP and .NET. One of them is asphostportal.com.


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