duplicity can't find remote backup directory?

duplicity can't find remote backup directory?

Using my private key to do so, this command allows me to connect to /home/backupUser/backup just fine:

$ sudo sftp -oPort=7843 [email protected]:backup

However when I run duplicity, I get the following error:

duplicity full --exclude ... / scp://backupUser:[email protected]:7843:/backup 

bash: [email protected]:7843./backup: No such file or directory

I'm under the assumption that duplicity would interpret the /backup path as relative to the user's home directory.

But since the above command didn't work, I also tried leaving off the / in the backup directory at the end of the command, i.e.

duplicity full --exclude ... / scp://backupUser:[email protected]:7843:backup 
bash: [email protected]:7843:backup: command not found

Is there something I'm missing here, like adding the passcode for the private key to make this command work?


I think you need to remove : in your command. Please refer here


since your are using bash i assume you want to connect to a linux user, you should try to append the ~ sing before the /directory , it is in order to go into the users home directory.

i know it should be like that automaticly, since you are try to connect the backup user, but as i can see in you question the two ansers you are getting from bash are diefferent, one is with ./backup and the other is :backup, so i think that you should try with the ~ sign.


I'm under the assumption that duplicity would interpret the /backup path as relative to the user's home directory.

Right. But the syntax is different than the normal scp format. Remove the colon and try again:

duplicity full --exclude ... / scp://backupUser:[email protected]:7843/backup


Although in the risk of getting -1, I want to clarify on the common mistakes we make on duplicity format (which the original question has made).

We commonly forget the second "//" in the host for example:

duplicity full --exclude ... / scp://backupUser:[email protected]:7843:backup

The error is that (although somebody has indicated that it should be not be ":") the format should be:

duplicity full --exclude ... / scp://backupUser:[email protected]:7843//backup

I commonly forget to use the "//" (although for me, I get different errors).

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