다음에서 다운로드한 소개서 템플릿을 사용할 때 문제가 발생합니다.http://www.latextemplates.com/cat/cover-letters.
내 서문은 다음과 같습니다.
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows font customization
\usepackage{marvosym} % Allows the use of symbols
\usepackage[danish, english]{polyglossia}
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Removes all indentation from paragraphs
\setmainfont {Adobe Garamond Pro} % Main document font
\setsansfont{Gill Sans MT}
%\setsansfont {Gill Sans} % Used in the from address line above the to address
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{12.5}{17}\selectfont} % Sets the font size and leading
\setkomavar{fromname}{Joakim Blach Andersen} % Your name
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Sankt Peders Stræde 14\\City\\Country} % Your address
\setkomavar{fromphone}{(000) 111-1111} % Your phone number
\setkomavar{fromemail}{[email protected]} % Your email address
\setkomavar{place}{} % City written before the date, put your city here if you want this
\setkomavar{signature}{John Smith} % Your name as you want it to appear in the signature
% These are not used in this document, uncomment if you would like to use them and refer to them as \usekomavar{name}
%\setkomavar{fromfax}{+1 (1)23 456789} % Your fax number
%\setkomavar{fromurl}{http://www.johnsmith.com} % Your personal website
%\setkomavar{frombank}{Postbank 9307157}
{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\scshape \usekomavar{fromname}}\\[5mm]
\fontsize{21}{21}\selectfont\scshape Programmer at Initech } % Your current job title
\renewcommand{\\}{\ {\large\textperiodcentered}\ }
{\Large\Letter} \usekomavar{fromemail} \ {\Large\Telefon} \usekomavar{fromphone} % If you want your fax number or website URL showing, add it here; you may need to play around with spacing
And here's me messages:
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows font customization
\usepackage{marvosym} % Allows the use of symbols
\usepackage[danish, english]{polyglossia}
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Removes all indentation from paragraphs
\setmainfont {Adobe Garamond Pro} % Main document font
\setsansfont{Gill Sans MT}
%\setsansfont {Gill Sans} % Used in the from address line above the to address
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{12.5}{17}\selectfont} % Sets the font size and leading
\setkomavar{fromname}{Joakim Blach Andersen} % Your name
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Sankt Peders Stræde 14\\City\\Country} % Your address
\setkomavar{fromphone}{(000) 111-1111} % Your phone number
\setkomavar{fromemail}{[email protected]} % Your email address
\setkomavar{place}{} % City written before the date, put your city here if you want this
\setkomavar{signature}{John Smith} % Your name as you want it to appear in the signature
% These are not used in this document, uncomment if you would like to use them and refer to them as \usekomavar{name}
%\setkomavar{fromfax}{+1 (1)23 456789} % Your fax number
%\setkomavar{fromurl}{http://www.johnsmith.com} % Your personal website
%\setkomavar{frombank}{Postbank 9307157}
{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\scshape \usekomavar{fromname}}\\[5mm]
\fontsize{21}{21}\selectfont\scshape Programmer at Initech } % Your current job title
\renewcommand{\\}{\ {\large\textperiodcentered}\ }
{\Large\Letter} \usekomavar{fromemail} \ {\Large\Telefon} \usekomavar{fromphone} % If you want your fax number or website URL showing, add it here; you may need to play around with spacing
저는 Latex와 Xelatex를 처음 접했기 때문에 여러분이 여기서 문제를 지적해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다. "danish" 패키지를 삭제하려고 시도했지만 "english"와 동일한 문제입니다. 내가 이해한 대로 "바벨" 대신에 "폴리글로시아"가 사용되었습니다. 그래서 저는 그렇게 했습니다.
여러분이 알아낼 수 있기를 바랍니다.
내가 지금 가지고 있는 것은 다음과 같습니다.
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows font customization
\usepackage{marvosym} % Allows the use of symbols
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Removes all indentation from paragraphs
%\setmainfont {Adobe Garamond Pro} % Main document font
\setmainfont {times} % Main document font
%\setsansfont{Gill Sans MT}
%\setsansfont {Gill Sans} % Used in the from address line above the to address
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{12.5}{17}\selectfont} % Sets the font size and leading
\setkomavar{fromname}{Joakim Blach Andersen} % Your name
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Sankt Peders Stræde 14\\City\\Country} % Your address
\setkomavar{fromphone}{(000) 111-1111} % Your phone number
\setkomavar{fromemail}{[email protected]} % Your email address
\setkomavar{place}{} % City written before the date, put your city here if you want this
\setkomavar{signature}{John Smith} % Your name as you want it to appear in the signature
% These are not used in this document, uncomment if you would like to use them and refer to them as \usekomavar{name}
%\setkomavar{fromfax}{+1 (1)23 456789} % Your fax number
%\setkomavar{fromurl}{http://www.johnsmith.com} % Your personal website
%\setkomavar{frombank}{Postbank 9307157}
{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\scshape \usekomavar{fromname}}\\[5mm]
\fontsize{21}{21}\selectfont\scshape Programmer at Initech } % Your current job title
\renewcommand{\\}{\ {\large\textperiodcentered}\ }
{\Large\Letter} \usekomavar{fromemail} \ {\Large\Telefon} \usekomavar{fromphone} % If you want your fax number or website URL showing, add it here; you may need to play around with spacing
\begin{letter}{ % Address of the company you are applying to
HR Dept. --- Corporation\\
123 Pleasant Lane\\
12345 City, State
\setkomavar{subject}{Cover Letter} % This is the bold text saying 'Cover Letter', remove it if you don't like it
\opening{Dear Recruiter,}
PARAGRAPH ONE: State the reason for the letter, name the position or type of work you are applying for and identify the source from which you learned of the opening.\\
PARAGRAPH TWO: Indicate why you are interested in the position, the company, its products, services - above all, stress what you can do for the employer. If you are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work experience, point out specific achievements or unique qualifications. Try not to repeat the same information the reader will find in the resume. The purpose of this section is to strengthen your resume by providing details which bring your experiences to life.\\
PARAGRAPH THREE: Request a personal interview and indicate your flexibility as to the time and place. Repeat your phone number in the letter. End the letter by thanking the employer for taking the time to consider your credentials.\\
Sincerely yours, \\ \\ \\
그리고 내 오류는 다음과 같습니다.
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows font customization
\usepackage{marvosym} % Allows the use of symbols
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Removes all indentation from paragraphs
%\setmainfont {Adobe Garamond Pro} % Main document font
\setmainfont {times} % Main document font
%\setsansfont{Gill Sans MT}
%\setsansfont {Gill Sans} % Used in the from address line above the to address
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{12.5}{17}\selectfont} % Sets the font size and leading
\setkomavar{fromname}{Joakim Blach Andersen} % Your name
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Sankt Peders Stræde 14\\City\\Country} % Your address
\setkomavar{fromphone}{(000) 111-1111} % Your phone number
\setkomavar{fromemail}{[email protected]} % Your email address
\setkomavar{place}{} % City written before the date, put your city here if you want this
\setkomavar{signature}{John Smith} % Your name as you want it to appear in the signature
% These are not used in this document, uncomment if you would like to use them and refer to them as \usekomavar{name}
%\setkomavar{fromfax}{+1 (1)23 456789} % Your fax number
%\setkomavar{fromurl}{http://www.johnsmith.com} % Your personal website
%\setkomavar{frombank}{Postbank 9307157}
{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\scshape \usekomavar{fromname}}\\[5mm]
\fontsize{21}{21}\selectfont\scshape Programmer at Initech } % Your current job title
\renewcommand{\\}{\ {\large\textperiodcentered}\ }
{\Large\Letter} \usekomavar{fromemail} \ {\Large\Telefon} \usekomavar{fromphone} % If you want your fax number or website URL showing, add it here; you may need to play around with spacing
\begin{letter}{ % Address of the company you are applying to
HR Dept. --- Corporation\\
123 Pleasant Lane\\
12345 City, State
\setkomavar{subject}{Cover Letter} % This is the bold text saying 'Cover Letter', remove it if you don't like it
\opening{Dear Recruiter,}
PARAGRAPH ONE: State the reason for the letter, name the position or type of work you are applying for and identify the source from which you learned of the opening.\\
PARAGRAPH TWO: Indicate why you are interested in the position, the company, its products, services - above all, stress what you can do for the employer. If you are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work experience, point out specific achievements or unique qualifications. Try not to repeat the same information the reader will find in the resume. The purpose of this section is to strengthen your resume by providing details which bring your experiences to life.\\
PARAGRAPH THREE: Request a personal interview and indicate your flexibility as to the time and place. Repeat your phone number in the letter. End the letter by thanking the employer for taking the time to consider your credentials.\\
Sincerely yours, \\ \\ \\
언어를 선언하기 위해 다른 방법을 사용합니다.