저는 Plain TeX에서 전통적인 들여쓰기 스타일의 개요를 생성하기 위한 스타일 파일이나 기타 매크로를 찾고 있습니다.
I. Big Idea
A. Sub idea
B. Sub idea
1. Thought
a. Sub thought
아직 아무도 이 작업을 수행하지 않았거나 공동 작업에 관심이 있는 사람이 있다면 (언젠가) 글을 쓰고 싶습니다.
(댓글에서 CW 답변을 작성했습니다)
다음 Plain TeX 매크로는 1991년 빈티지입니다.
나는 내가 찾은 어떤 Plain TeX 매크로에도 만족하지 못했고 빈티지 1991 매크로는 삭제되거나 이동되었기 때문에(링크 부패) 결국 내 자신의 매크로를 작성했고 그에 따랐습니다. 이는 LaTeX용이 아닙니다. 결과는 다음과 같습니다.
매크로 끝에는 예제 개요가 있습니다.
% Plain TeX macros to create simple outlines, texoutlines.tex
% C. Kelly, 2016
\def\outlinebeg{\parindent=1.5em\obeylines\bigbreak\leftline{\bf Outline}\smallskip\hrule\smallskip}
% Two versions of this macro, the second inserts an \hrule
% Use \outlinefile to read a file with the outline
% Use \outline to read outline until the first \par
% With these, you should provide either "." or "I.", "A.", etc, as you prefer.
% They don't increment automatically.
\def\2#1.{\par\indent \hangindent2\parindent \textindent{#1.}}
\def\3#1.{\par\indent\indent \hangindent3\parindent \textindent{#1.}}
\def\4#1.{\par\indent\indent\indent \hangindent4\parindent \textindent{#1.}}
\def\5#1.{\par\indent\indent\indent\indent \hangindent5\parindent \textindent{#1.}}
% Following are new macros which don't require you to provide the outline item number
\def\letter#1{\ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or
k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or
x\or y\or z\or aa\or bb\or cc\or dd\or ee\or ff\or gg\or hh\or ii\or
jj\or kk\or ll\or mm\or nn\or oo\or pp\or qq\or rr\or ss\or tt\or
uu\or vv\or ww\or xx\or yy\or zz\else$\dots$\fi}
\newcount\cnta \cnta=0
\newcount\cntb \cntb=0
\newcount\cntc \cntc=0
\newcount\cntd \cntd=0
\newcount\cnte \cnte=0
\def\A{\global\advance\cnta by 1
{\romannumeral\cnta}. }
\cntb=0 \cntc=0 \cntd=0 \cnte=0
\def\b{\global\advance\cntb by 1
\par\indent \hangindent2\parindent \textindent
{\uppercase\expandafter{\letter\cntb}. }
\cntc=0 \cntd=0 \cnte=0
\def\c{\global\advance\cntc by 1
\par\indent\indent \hangindent3\parindent \textindent
{\number\cntc. }
\cntd=0 \cnte=0
\def\d{\global\advance\cntd by 1
\par\indent\indent\indent \hangindent4\parindent \textindent
{\letter\cntd. }
\def\e{\global\advance\cnte by 1
\par\indent\indent\indent\indent \hangindent5\parindent \textindent
{\romannumeral\cnte. }
\par\indent\indent\indent\indent\indent \hangindent6\parindent \textindent
{ $\bullet$ }
% Macros to create outlines {END}
% A sample usage of the above macros
\outline % new style
\A Example using newer macros
\b Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
\c incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
\d Duis aute irure dolor
\e Freedom \dots from what?
\5. from having to have a number in this point. This is using the old-style macro
\f At this level, we just want bullets
\e Something more
\e And another thing\dots
\b What can be said more
\c New point 1
\c Yet another point
\noindent Note that a blank line ends the outline
but the counters are not reset until a new {\tt\char`\\ outline} is
declared. So if you have something more to put into your outline,
just do so.
\A New point here.
\b New subpoints
\outline % old style
\I . Example outline with older macros
\I I. Big heading
\2 A. Subhead
\2 B. Subhead
\3 1. Sub-subhead
\3 2. Sub-subhead
\4 a. Sub-sub-subhead
\4 b. Sub-sub-subhead
\5 i. sub-sub-sub-subhead
\5 ii. sub-sub-sub-subhead
\5 . Unlabeled sub-sub-sub-subhead
\3 4. Next Sub-subhead. (oops! I skipped 3.)
\I II. New major head
%You can also insert a file with an outline in it, with \outlinefile
\outlinefile file_with_my_outline.txt
% Sample input, end