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(저자_A/저자_B 2012: 232)
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(저자 A 외 2012: 232)
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author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and C},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
Some text \autocite{ABC01}.
author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and C},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
author = {Author, A. and Duthor, D. and E},
year = {2001},
title = {And now for something completely different},
Some text \autocite{ABC01}.
Some text \autocite{ADE01}.
모든 상황에서 인용 키에 한 명의 저자만 포함하려면 옵션을 사용하세요 uniquelist=false
. (이로 인해 독자는 "저자 등"이 동일한 저자 팀을 지칭한다는 잘못된 결론을 내릴 수 있습니다.)
author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and C},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
author = {Author, A. and Duthor, D. and E},
year = {2001},
title = {And now for something completely different},
Some text \autocite{ABC01}.
Some text \autocite{ADE01}.