방정식 시작 문제

방정식 시작 문제

방정식의 코드를 작성했지만 작성하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다 Jij. 도움이 필요하십니까?


J_i_j = \left\{ 
  \begin{array}{l l}
    \frac{1}{k}exp\left(-\frac{{||x_i - x_j||}^{2}}{{2a}^{2}}\right) \quad x_i is nearest neighbor of x_j,\\
    0 \quad \text{else}
  \end{array} \right.


베르너 덕분에 J_{ij}대신 사용해야 해요 .J_i_j


 J_{ij} =           %   group subscript with braces
 \begin{cases}      %   use cases macro for piecewise functions
     \frac1K\exp    %   capital K, \exp, you don't have to type braces around single characters
        \left(-\dfrac{\|x_i - x_j\|^2}  {2a^2}\right)   %   \dfrac for display fraction bigger ,\| for double |, less braces   
        & x_i \text{ is nearest neighbour of } x_j,\\   %   use & in cases mode, 
     0  & \text{else}                                   %   \text{} 

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