내 C테이블에 무슨 문제가 있는 걸까?

내 C테이블에 무슨 문제가 있는 걸까?

아래 표에서는 문제를 정확히 찾아낼 수 없는 것 같으니 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 뭔가 간단한 건 확실하지만 볼 수가 없어요...



caption = Summary of model characteristics.,
label = tab:modelSummary,
\tnote{For UK grid.}
\tnote[b]{ENTEC emissions are used for shipping.}
\tnote[c]{Based on analysis of extracted `baseline' air-masses.}
}{                  \FL
model    & type       & boundary           & meteorology & chemistry    & grid\tmark   & emissions\tmark[b] \NN
     &            & conditions         &             & (km)         &              &  \ML
aea     & Eulerian   & STOCHEM            & WRF3        & CB05         & 12           & NAEI/EMEP \NN
aqum    & Eulerian   & GEMS/MACC          & UM          & UKCA/RAQ     & ?            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
emep    & Eulerian   & EMEP-unified       & WRF3.1.1    & EMEP-unified & 5            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
hert    & Eulerian   & GEMS               & WRF3.2.1    & CB05         & 18           & TNO \NN
kcl     & Eulerian   & STOCHEM            & WRF3.1      & CB05         & 9            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
name    & Eulerian   & Mace Head\tnote[c] & UM          & STOCHEM      & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
osrm    & Lagrangian & ?                  & NAME (UM)   & STOCHEM      & 10           & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
ptm     & Lagrangian & Mace Head?         & UM          & MCM3.1       & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & GEIA \NN
wrfchem & Eulerian   & ?                  & ?           & ?         & ?          & ? \LL


다음을 제공합니다:

Misplaced alignment tab character &.
\\tnote ...uperscript {\normalfont \textit {#1}}}&
                                                  #2\NN \fi 
l.31 }


문제는 라인이다

name    & Eulerian   & Mace Head\tnote[c] & UM          & STOCHEM      & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN

\tnote다음으로 변경해야 합니다 \tmark.

name    & Eulerian   & Mace Head\tmark[c] & UM          & STOCHEM      & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN

전체 코드:



caption = Summary of model characteristics.,
label = tab:modelSummary,
\tnote{For UK grid.}
\tnote[b]{ENTEC emissions are used for shipping.}
\tnote[c]{Based on analysis of extracted `baseline' air-masses.}
}{                  \FL
model    & type       & boundary           & meteorology & chemistry    & grid\tmark   & emissions\tmark[b] \NN
     &            & conditions         &             & (km)         &              &  \ML
aea     & Eulerian   & STOCHEM            & WRF3        & CB05         & 12           & NAEI/EMEP \NN
aqum    & Eulerian   & GEMS/MACC          & UM          & UKCA/RAQ     & ?            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
emep    & Eulerian   & EMEP-unified       & WRF3.1.1    & EMEP-unified & 5            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
hert    & Eulerian   & GEMS               & WRF3.2.1    & CB05         & 18           & TNO \NN
kcl     & Eulerian   & STOCHEM            & WRF3.1      & CB05         & 9            & NAEI/EMEP \NN
name    & Eulerian   & Mace Head\tmark[c] & UM          & STOCHEM      & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
osrm    & Lagrangian & ?                  & NAME (UM)   & STOCHEM      & 10           & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & ENTEC \NN
ptm     & Lagrangian & Mace Head?         & UM          & MCM3.1       & $\approx$10? & NAEI/EMEP \NN
     &            &                    &             &              &              & GEIA \NN
wrfchem & Eulerian   & ?                  & ?           & ?         & ?          & ? \LL


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