다음과 같은 테이블을 만들려고 합니다.
Idioms Definition
A dime Anything that is common, inexpensive,
a dozen and easy to get or available any where.
Beat around To treat a topic, but omit its main points,
the bush often intentionally or To delay or avoid
talking about something difficult or unpleasant.
Bite off more To take on more responsibility than you can manage.
than one can chew
내가 한 일은
\begin{tabular}{p{6cm} p{12cm}}
Idioms & Definitions
{The Remaining portions of work goes here.}
하지만 나는 얻는다
숙어 정의
A dime Anything that is common, inexpensive,
a dozen and easy to get or available any where.
Beat around To treat a topic, but omit its main points,
the bush often intentionally or To delay or avoid
talking about something difficult or unpleasant.
Bite off more To take on more responsibility than you can manage.
than one can chew
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setspace 및 anysize와 같은 패키지를 사용한 것처럼 서문의 일부 요소가 누락될 수 있습니다.
출처: 위의 표는 제 상황을 표현하기 위해 위키피디아에서 발췌한 것입니다.
사용 tabularx
하고 또한\RaggedRight
@{} % no \tabcolsep on the left side
>{\RaggedRight}p{6cm}% let the p column typeset ragged right
X % dynamical column width
@{} % no \tabcolsep on the right side
Idioms & Definitions
{The Remaining portions of work goes here.}