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\title{\textbf{\large{Title Goes Here}}}
Author Name
I am using unsrt.
I want to cite these two: ~\cite{JMechPhysSol_analytical} and ~\cite{OrigPaper}.
But they appear in the reverse order.
J. Cheng, E. H. Jordan, B. Barber, M. Gell,
``Thermal/Residual Stress in an Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier
\textit{Acta Mater.}, \textbf{46}, 5839-5850 (1998).
D. S. Balint, J.W. Hutchinson,
``An Analytical model of rumpling in thermal barrier coatings.''
\textit{J. Mech. Phys. Solids}, \textbf{53}, 949-973 (2005).
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다음은 사용 .bib
에 포함된 예입니다..tex
author = {J Cheng and EH Jordan and B Barber and M Gell},
title = {Thermal/Residual Stress in an Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier},
journal = {Acta Mater.},
volume = {46},
pages = {5839-5850},
year = {1998}
author = {DS Balint and JW Hutchinson},
title = {An Analytical model of rumpling in thermal barrier coatings.},
journal = {J.\ Mech.\ Phys.\ Solids},
volume = {53},
pages = {949-973},
year = {2005}
\title{\textbf{\large{Title Goes Here}}}
\author{Author Name}
I am using \verb|unsrt|.
I want to cite these two:~\cite{JMechPhysSol_analytical} and~\cite{OrigPaper}.
저널이나 번호에 대한 형식 지정이 없다는 점에 유의하세요. .bib
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