f(x)에서 f'(x)를 명시적으로 찾지 않고도 상수 m과 함수 f'(x) 사이의 교차점을 찾기 위해 \pstInterFF를 수정하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

f(x)에서 f'(x)를 명시적으로 찾지 않고도 상수 m과 함수 f'(x) 사이의 교차점을 찾기 위해 \pstInterFF를 수정하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요



\def\fp(#1){}% is f'(x) 

% I have to use the following because the newest pst-eucl has not been installed
\pstVerb{/I2P {exec AlgParser cvx exec} def}

How to find the point $c$ such that
f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

    %\pstInterFF[]{{\fp(x)} I2P}{{\m} I2P}{4}{c}% has not been implemented yet.

간단히 말해서, 에서 명시적으로 찾을 필요 없이 상수 함수 와 함수 \pstInterFF사이의 교차점을 찾도록 수정하는 방법은 무엇입니까 ?mf'(x)f'(x)f(x)




   \pnodes(*{\A} {\f{\A}}){A}(*{\B} {\f{\B}}){B}
   \pnodes(*{N-C.x} {\f{x}}){X1}(*{N-D.x} {\f{x}}){X2}


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요


여기 순진한 방법이 있습니다.

업데이트: 업데이트가 다음을 찾으려고 시도합니다.모두주어진 기울기를 가진 점.

추가 업데이트: 이것은 코드 최적화입니다. 로컬 극값을 감지하기 위해 새 버전에서는 곱셈을 피하고 부호만 조작하므로 이것이 더 효율적입니다(이것은 를 사용하는 코드의 일부입니다 \xintifboolexpr).

롤 멀티플

롤 멀티플 B

이 방법은 (기본적으로) 무차별 대입 계산을 통해 이루어집니다.100 중간점의 무차별 대입 계산을 통해 로컬 극값을 식별합니다. 계산은 다음을 통해 수행됩니다.xintexpr, 이는 (현재) 범위를 유리 함수 및 제곱근으로 제한합니다. 다른 수학 엔진을 사용하여 계산을 수행하도록 코드를 자연스럽게 수정할 수 있습니다.


\def\FindRolleN {100}% number of tested points
\def\FindRollePt #1#2#3{%
    % #1 = function (defined with parentheses as below, not with braces, to
    %                conform to OP's code) 
    % #2 = start of interval
    % #3 = end of interval
    % the action of this  macro is to set \RolleSlope and \RolleList
    \let\ROL@N \FindRolleN
    \xintDigits := 6;% 
    \xintNewFloatExpr \ROL@F [1]{#1(##1)}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fa {\ROL@F{#2}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fb {\ROL@F{#3}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Dx {\xintfloatexpr #3 - #2 \relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Dy {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Fb-\ROL@Fa\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Slope  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dy/\ROL@Dx\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Stepx  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dx/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Stepy  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dy/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@X {\xintfloatexpr #2\relax }%
    \let\ROL@Y   \ROL@Fa
    \oodef\ROL@@X {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@X + \ROL@Stepx\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@@Y {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@F{\ROL@@X}\relax }%
    % \count0 1 (no need for a count, use \xintiloop!)
    \def\ROL@List {}% list of local extrema
    \xintiloop [2+1]
      \oodef\ROL@@@X {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@@X + \ROL@Stepx\relax }%
      \oodef\ROL@@@Y {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@F{\ROL@@@X}\relax }%
      % commented out, code below avoids a multiplication.
      %\xintifSgn {\xintthefloatexpr (\ROL@@Y-\ROL@Y-\ROL@Stepy)*
      %                              (\ROL@@@Y-\ROL@@Y-\ROL@Stepy)\relax}
      %           {% found a local extrema etc...
      %              code as below}
      %           {}{}%
      % this is a cleverer way to detect a change of sign. "constancy" compatible, too
                 {}% not an extrema
                 {% sum of signs=0, hence opposite signs or both zero, hence
                  % found a local extrema or a "constancy",  
% Let's round the coordinates to 4 digits after decimal mark
% Mainly because I don't know how to use floating point notation in pspicture
% point coordinates but surely it can be done.
      \ifnum\xintiloopindex < \ROL@N\space
    \global\oodef\RolleSlope{\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@Slope,4)\relax}%

% How to find the point or points $c$ such that
% \[
% f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}
% \]


% \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
% \show\RolleListe % debugging

    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    \xintFor* #1 in {\RolleListe}\do {%
          \xintAssign  #1\to\RolleX\RolleY


    \rput(2.5,2.5){\parbox {10cm}{How to find the point or rather the points $c$
        such that \[ f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a} \]}}
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
% NOTE: how to use * with negative coordinate? I had to shift
% everything to be positive
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    \xintFor* #1 in {\RolleListe}\do {%
          \xintAssign  #1\to\RolleX\RolleY
          \oodef\xa {\xinttheexpr round(\RolleX-.5,4)\relax}%
          \oodef\xb {\xinttheexpr round(\RolleX+.5,4)\relax}%


이 답변의 첫 번째 버전:



\def\FindRolleN {100}% number of tested points
\def\FindRollePt #1#2#3{%
    % #1 = function (defined with parentheses as below, not with braces, to
    % confirm to OP) 
    % #2 = start of interval
    % #3 = end of interval
    % the action of this  macro is to set \RolleX, \RolleY, \RolleSlope
    \let\ROL@N \FindRolleN
% I use floating point numbers with some hesitation, it is not always faster
% than exact evaluations when the manipulated numbers don't have many digits
    \xintDigits := 6;% 
% I define this for the parsing of the algebraic expression to be done once and
% for all. 
% subtle detail: if \ROL@F was defined with \xintNewExpr, rather than
% \xintNewFloatExpr, its output would be in a/b[n] form, its use in the next
% expressions would have to be mandatorily within a brace pair (see manual)
% other subtle detail: \ROL@F is a macro not able to parse an argument like
% \xintexpr knows how to do. For this, explicit \xinttheexpr ..\relax, or
% \xintthefloatexpr..\relax must be used in this argument.
    \xintNewFloatExpr \ROL@F [1]{#1(##1)}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fa {\ROL@F{#2}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fb {\ROL@F{#3}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Slope {\xintfloatexpr (\ROL@Fb-\ROL@Fa)/(#3-#2)\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Step  {\xintfloatexpr (#3-#2)/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \def\ROL@U {0}%
    \count0 0
    \def\ROL@J {0}%
      \advance\count0 1
      \oodef\ROL@X {\xintthefloatexpr #2+\count0*\ROL@Step\relax }%
      \oodef\ROL@V {\xintthefloatexpr 
                    \relax }%
      \xintifGt\ROL@V\ROL@U {\let\ROL@U\ROL@V\odef\ROL@J{\the\count0}}{}%
      \ifnum\count0 < \ROL@N\space
% Now converting to fixed point format with 4 digits after decimal mark
% Mainly because I don't know how to use floating point notation in pspicture
% but surely can be done.
    \oodef\ROL@Result       {\xinttheexpr round(#2+\ROL@J*\ROL@Step,4)\relax}%
    \global\oodef\RolleY    {\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@F{\RolleX},4)\relax}%
    \global\oodef\RolleSlope{\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@Slope,4)\relax}%


How to find the (rather, `a') point $c$ such that
f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    % I don't know how to create a dot, using algebraic expressions for the
    % coordinates, I don't know anything about pstricks
    % I have tried various things, for example this:
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    % user manual is big.
    % \rput(*\xf\space {\f(\xf)}){\rule{3pt}{3pt}}
    % \rput(*\xi\space {\f(\xi)}){\rule{3pt}{3pt}}



계산기(및 xpicture)를 사용하여 가능한 솔루션입니다.평균값 예


How to find the point $c$ such that
   f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

\newcpoly{\fI}{0}{30}{-11}{1}                      % fI(x)=30x-11x^2+x^3
\newlpoly{\fII}{-5}{1.5}                           % fII(x)=-5+1.5x
\LINEARCOMBINATIONfunction{0.25}{\fI}{1}{\fII}{\F} % F(x)=(1/4)fI(x)+fII(x) (this is our function)

Our function is

Values of $F$ and $F'$ at $0$ and $7$ are
      f(0)=\solZero\qquad f'(0)=\DsolZero  \\
      f(7)=\solSeven\qquad f'(7)=\DsolSeven  
And the mean value is
So, we search $c\in[0,7]$ such that $f'(c)=\meanvalue$.
We apply the bisection strategy
(in fact, this strategy is not secure, because the sign of the derivative
changes sign several times).


\whiledo{\lengthtest{\currentamplitude pt>\tolerance pt}}{%
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\derproduct pt<0 pt}}{\COPY{\XMED}{\XONE}}{\COPY{\XMED}{\XZERO}}

Having applied this method we have obtained that
the derivative equals mean value of function $F$ at $c=\XMED$.



관련 정보