"para" 옵션이 있는 빅풋은 페이지당 각주를 계산할 수 없습니다.

"para" 옵션이 있는 빅풋은 페이지당 각주를 계산할 수 없습니다.

저는 수만 개의 각주가 포함된 크고 복잡한 문서를 조판하고 있습니다. 이 메모 중 일부는 내용이 풍부하지만 다른 메모 중 상당수는 매우 짧습니다.

perpage그래서 패키지가 잘 처리하는 "페이지당" 각주 번호 매기기를 사용해야 합니다 .

또한 편리한 단일 단락 안에 짧은 메모를 배치하고 긴 각주에는 자체 단락이 있습니다. 패키지 bigfoot\DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}이것을 훌륭하게 수행합니다.

그러나 나는 두 가지 동작이 함께 작동하도록 하는 데 어려움을 겪었습니다. 메모의 단락이 올바르면 페이지당 각주가 계산되지 않습니다.

여기 MWE가 있습니다.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 



솔루션은 Harish 제안의 수정된 버전을 따랐습니다.



패키지 작성자의 제안에 따라 \AtBeginDocument원본이 아닌 등을 사용하고 있습니다 .\DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}패키지에 대한 그의 의견에서.그러나 내 목적으로는 둘 다 잘 작동합니다.


bigfoot다른 패키지가 자체적으로 잘 수행되는 작업을 처리하도록 하는 것은 최선의 아이디어가 아닙니다 . 항상 다른 패키지가 방해할 수 있는 위험이 있습니다 bigfoot.

footmisc요즘에는 perpage자체적으로 사용할 수 있으므로 허용되는 답변이 잘 작동할 수 있습니다.

어쨌든 문제는 완전히 스스로 만든 것 같습니다. MWE는 perpage실제로 아무 작업도 수행하지 않고 로드됩니다( perpage일반적으로 카운터 변경을 위한 기능만 제공하고 기존 카운터에는 영향을 주지 않습니다). 파일 bigfoot.dtx자체에는 적절하게 사용하는 최소한의 예가 포함되어 있다고 perpage생각합니다.

LOCKSTEP으로 편집: OP의 예에서는 \MakePerPage{footnotedefault}추가해야 합니다.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 


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