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The manufacturing process is mostly subject to industrial legislation. Although the industrial process is a relatively large actor in the use of fossil fuels\citep{voorzanger2014}, the consideration of usage of renewable energy sources has many hurdles. The primary hurdle is the artificially deflated pricing on energy from non-renewables. Studies on feasibility of an adjustment and usage of renewable energy sources in the industrial sector have shown legislation is in fact a culprit, linking domestical industrial activities directly to current energy policies in place\citep{lund2009}. Furthermore, an example of an accessible legislation is the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which indirectly circumvents additional energy costs by incentivising recollection and reuse of products\citep{kiddee2013}. Other directives also geared towards promotion of recycling and take-back more so circumvent a change in thinking of the legislative bodies dealing with the industrial energy sector, which is why a small portion of examples will be discussed in the recycling cycle rather than here.

However, mobile phones also use REEs, ranging from scandium for high performance equipment, to neodymium for ear speakers\citep{website:namibiaearth,humphries2010}: vital components for the production of a cellular phone. The shortage depletion risk ranges even further however. Estimates have shown that REEs range in depletion risk from 500 years for niobium to 7 years for antimony, considering stable demand\citep{website:mining}.

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The manufacturing process is mostly subject to industrial legislation. Alth\-ough the industrial process is a relatively large actor in the use of fossil fuels\citep{voorzanger2014}, the consideration of usage of renewable energy sources has many hurdles. The primary hurdle is the artificially deflated pricing on energy from non-renewables. Studies on feasibility of an adjustment and usage of renewable energy sources in the industrial sector have shown legislation is in fact a culprit, linking domestical industrial activities directly to current energy policies in place\citep{lund2009}. Furthermore, an example of an accessible legislation is the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which indirectly circumvents additional energy costs by incentivising recollection and reuse of products\citep{kiddee2013}. Other directives also geared towards promotion of recycling and take-back more so circumvent a change in thinking of the legislative bodies dealing with the industrial energy sector, which is why a small portion of examples will be discussed in the recycling cycle rather than here.

However, mobile phones also use REEs, ranging from scandium for high performance equipment, to neodymium for ear speakers\citep{website:namibiaearth,humphries2010}: vital components for the production of a cellular phone. The shortage depletion risk ran\-ges even further however. Estimates have shown that REEs range in depletion risk from 500 years for niobium to 7 years for antimony, considering stable demand\citep{website:mining}.

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