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다음을 입력할 때마다 내 문서에 절대로 컴파일되지 않습니다.
\title{Assessment of High Sensitivity MEMS Strain Sensor}
\author{Vernon D. Dutch}
\email[]{[email protected]}
\affiliation{Southern University \& AM College}
\address{801 Harding Blvd, Baton Rouge,LA }
A sensor is a device that detects events that occur within a physical environment (like light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure, and more), and responds with certain output, usually as the electrical, mechanical or optical signal. A typical mercury thermometer is a common sensor. It detects temperature and reacts with a measurable expansion of liquid. Almost omnipresent, sensors are found in everyday applications like touch-sensitive elevator buttons and even experimental sensors that are used in medicine and robotics. Also, the long decay length of charge carriers at room temperature will also be explained. The validity of the decay length in MOSFET structures will be discussed in detail. The extended environmental contribution of these devices will also be focused upon.
노력 중이므로 더 많은 피드백이 필요하면 댓글을 남겨주세요.