장 번호 색상 변경(Oxford 논문 템플릿)

장 번호 색상 변경(Oxford 논문 템플릿)

저는 박사 학위 논문을 작성 중이고 Oxford 논문 템플릿을 사용하고 있습니다. 이 장 시작 부분의 장 번호(회색) 색상을 변경하고 싶습니다. 여기에서 Oxford 논문 템플릿을 찾을 수 있습니다.http://www.oxfordechoes.com/oxford-thesis-template/.

온갖 방법을 시도해 보았지만 효과가 없었습니다. 해결책을 알려주시면 매우 감사하겠습니다!



회색을 다른 색상으로 변경하려는지 아니면 검정색(어차피 색상임)으로 변경하려는지 모르겠지만 다음 줄을 프리앰블(및 x11names문서 클래스)에 추가합니다.


이 장 제목을 생성합니다.

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요


클래스는 기본적으로 사용되는 패키지를 ociamthesis사용합니다 .quotchap\color{chaptergrey}

chaptergrey원하는 색상으로 재정의하는 것으로 충분합니다 .


효과적 이다 blue. 그러나 이것은 혼란스러울 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 는 다음 과 같이 나오지 않는 grey것으로 가정되기 때문입니다 .greyblue

또 다른 (훨씬 더 나은) 가능성은 \chapnumfont매크로 래퍼에 숨겨진 색상 이름을 사용하도록 재정의하는 것입니다.\mychapterheadingcolour



그러나 클래스는 (지금까지) 잘 디자인된 것처럼 보이지 않습니다. 예를 들어 패키지가 hyperref클래스 정의 중간에 있지 않고 다른 패키지에서 처리하는 toc등의 작업이 수행됩니다.

% This one will format for one-sided binding (ie left margin > right margin; no extra blank pages):
% This one will format for PDF output (ie equal margins, no extra blank pages):



% Three options going on here; use in any combination.  But remember to turn the first two off before
% generating a PDF to send to the printer!

% This adds a "DRAFT" footer to every normal page.  (The first page of each chapter is not a "normal" page.)
\fancyfoot[C]{\emph{DRAFT Printed on \today}}  

% This highlights (in blue) corrections marked with (for words) \mccorrect{blah} or (for whole
% paragraphs) \begin{mccorrection} . . . \end{mccorrection}.  This can be useful for sending a PDF of
% your corrected thesis to your examiners for review.  Turn it off, and the blue disappears.

% Note that your bibliography will require some tweaking depending on your department, preferred format, etc.
% The options included below are just very basic "sciencey" and "humanitiesey" options to get started.
% If you've not used LaTeX before, I recommend reading a little about biblatex/biber and getting started with it.
% If you're already a LaTeX pro and are used to natbib or something, modify as necessary.
% Either way, you'll have to choose and configure an appropriate bibliography format...

% The science-type option: numerical in-text citation with references in order of appearance.
\usepackage[style=numeric-comp, sorting=none, backend=biber, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}

% The humanities-type option: author-year in-text citation with an alphabetical works cited.
%\usepackage[style=authoryear, sorting=nyt, backend=biber, maxcitenames=2, useprefix, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}
%\newcommand*{\bibtitle}{Works Cited}

% This makes the bibliography left-aligned (not 'justified') and slightly smaller font.

% Change this to the name of your .bib file (usually exported from a citation manager like Zotero or EndNote).

% Uncomment this if you want equation numbers per section (2.3.12), instead of per chapter (2.18):

% Everybody needs to complete the following:
\title{Suitably impressive thesis title}
\author{Your Name}
\college{Your College}

% Master's candidates who require the alternate title page (with candidate number and word count)
% must also un-comment and complete the following three lines:

% Uncomment the following line if your degree also includes exams (eg most masters):
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{Submitted in partial completion of the}
% Your full degree name.  (But remember that DPhils aren't "in" anything.  They're just DPhils.)
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% Term and year of submission, or date if your board requires (eg most masters)
\degreedate{Michaelmas 2014}

% This is a good place to dump your own LaTeX macros as they come up.

% To make text superscripts shortcuts
    \renewcommand{\th}{\textsuperscript{th}} % ex: I won 4\th place


% This is the official option.  Use it for your submission copy and library copy:
\setlength{\textbaselineskip}{22pt plus2pt}
% This is closer spacing (about 1.5-spaced) that you might prefer for your personal copies:
%\setlength{\textbaselineskip}{18pt plus2pt minus1pt}

% You can set the spacing here for the roman-numbered pages (acknowledgements, table of contents, etc.)
\setlength{\frontmatterbaselineskip}{17pt plus1pt minus1pt}

% Leave this line alone; it gets things started for the real document.

% You have two choices.  First, how far down are sections numbered?  (Below that, they're named but
% don't get numbers.)  Second, what level of section appears in the table of contents?  These don't have
% to match: you can have numbered sections that don't show up in the ToC, or unnumbered sections that
% do.  Throughout, 0 = chapter; 1 = section; 2 = subsection; 3 = subsubsection, 4 = paragraph...

% The level that gets a number:
% The level that shows up in the ToC:

% This is used to create the separate, one-page abstract that you are required to hand into the Exam
% Schools.  You can comment it out to generate a PDF for printing or whatnot.
    \input{text/abstract} % Create an abstract.tex file in the 'text' folder for your abstract.

% JEM: Pages are roman numbered from here, though page numbers are invisible until ToC.  This is in
% keeping with most typesetting conventions.

% Title page is created here

%%%%% DEDICATION -- If you'd like one, un-comment the following.
%This thesis is dedicated to\\
%for some special reason\\

%%%%% ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- Nothing to do here except comment out if you don't want it.

%%%%% ABSTRACT -- Nothing to do here except comment out if you don't want it.

% This lays the groundwork for per-chapter, mini tables of contents.  Comment the following line
% (and remove \minitoc from the chapter files) if you don't want this.  Un-comment either of the
% next two lines if you want a per-chapter list of figures or tables.
\dominitoc % include a mini table of contents
%\dominilof  % include a mini list of figures
%\dominilot  % include a mini list of tables

% This aligns the bottom of the text of each page.  It generally makes things look better.

% This is where the whole-document ToC appears:

% \mtcaddchapter is needed when adding a non-chapter (but chapter-like) entity to avoid confusing minitoc

% Uncomment to generate a list of tables:
%   \mtcaddchapter

% This example includes a list of abbreviations.  Look at text/abbreviations.tex to see how that file is
% formatted.  The template can handle any kind of list though, so this might be a good place for a
% glossary, etc.

% The Roman pages, like the Roman Empire, must come to its inevitable close.

% Add or remove any chapters you'd like here, by file name (excluding '.tex'):

% Starts lettered appendices, adds a heading in table of contents, and adds a
%    page that just says "Appendices" to signal the end of your main text.
% Add or remove any appendices you'd like here:


% JEM: Quote for the top of references (just like a chapter quote if you're using them).  Comment to skip.
The first kind of intellectual and artistic personality belongs to the hedgehogs, the second to the foxes \dots
  \qauthor{--- Sir Isaiah Berlin \cite{berlin_hedgehog_2013}}

\setlength{\baselineskip}{0pt} % JEM: Single-space References



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