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\title{Improvement of the Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm with a Gauss Seidel
Smoother to Efficiently Compute the Fiedler Vector of a Graph Laplacian}
\author{Shivam Gandhi \href{email: [email protected]}
\and \href{Tufts University Department of Mathematics}}
\date{November 2015}
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\@author ->Shivam Gandhi \href
{email: [email protected]} \and \href ...
l.19 \maketitle
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\title{Improvement of the Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm with a Gauss Seidel
Smoother to Efficiently Compute the Fiedler Vector of a Graph Laplacian}
\author{Shivam Gandhi
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
\and \href{http://math.tufts.edu/}{Tufts University Department of Mathematics}}
\date{November 2015}