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비머 - 이미지 + 캡션을 아래쪽으로 이동할 수 없습니다.
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\title{Apoptosis facilitates antigen presentation to T lymphocytes through MHC-I and CD1 in tuberculosis}
\subtitle{ \small Schaible \emph{et al.} (2003)}
\date{February 18, 2016}
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\begin{frame}{\emph{M. tuberculosis} antigens and particulates are confined within the phagosome}
  \vspace*{1cm}\captionof{figure}{\footnotesize Left quadrant: dyes from labeled- \emph{M. tuberculosis} remain confined within phagosomes. Right quadrant: dyes from labeled-\emph{L. monocytogenes} were released into the cell <10 mins after infection. Arrows indicate bacteria-containing phagosomes.}
    \item The mycobacterial phagosome appears to be impermeable to macromolecules
    \item Membrane-impermeable fluorescent molecules were \alert{retained} in phagosomes across all maturation stages
\begin{alertblock}{Seclusion from the classical MHC-I pathway is apparent.}
      There must be another alternative pathway for antigen delivery.


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\begin{frame}{\emph{M. tuberculosis} antigens and particulates are confined within the phagosome}
   \vspace*{-.5em}\captionof{figure}{\footnotesize Left quadrant: dyes from labeled- \emph{M. tuberculosis} remain confined within phagosomes. Right quadrant: dyes from labeled-\emph{L. monocytogenes} were released into the cell <10 mins after infection. Arrows indicate bacteria-containing phagosomes.}
      \item The mycobacterial phagosome appears to be impermeable to macromolecules
      \item Membrane-impermeable fluorescent molecules were \alert{retained} in phagosomes across all maturation stages
\begin{alertblock}{Seclusion from the classical MHC-I pathway is apparent.}
      There must be another alternative pathway for antigen delivery.

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