미니페이지와 텍스트 상자의 높이가 같지 않습니다.

미니페이지와 텍스트 상자의 높이가 같지 않습니다.

을 사용하는 동안 minipage두 번째 열에 텍스트 상자가 있습니다. 두 번째 열을 사용하면 fbox첫 번째 열의 텍스트가 아래쪽으로 이동하므로 높이가 양쪽에서 동일하게 유지되지 않습니다. 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

\item Item1
\item Item2
\item Item3
\item Item3
\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}} Cumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equal to X.

    \item Item1 
    \item Item1
    \item Item1
    \item Item1
    \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}}  TCumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equa l to X.
    %second column
          Useful mnemonics:
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons


이 코드의 출력은 다음과 같습니다.
여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

두 열(또는 미니 페이지)이 동일한 높이를 유지하도록 어떻게 정렬할 수 있는지 알려주십시오. 감사합니다!


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

\item Item1
\item Item2
\item Item3
\item Item3
\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}} Cumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equal to X.

    \item Item1 
    \item Item1
    \item Item1
    \item Item1
    \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}}  TCumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equa l to X.
    %second column
          Useful mnemonics:
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
          \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons

[T]을 정렬하는 옵션을 사용 minipage하고 을 떠나 수평 공간을 모두 사용하지 마십시오 0.02\textwidth. 예를 들어 \begin{minipage}[T]{0.48\textwidth}괜찮습니다.


이는 를 \parbox...minipage환경에 맞춰 정렬하고 를 사용하여 잘못된 상자를 수정하고 s \noindent사이의 공간을 제거 minipage하고 의 너비를 줄여 \parbox의 선과 여백을 위한 공간을 허용합니다 \fbox.

  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item3
\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}} Cumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equal to X.

  \item Item1
  \item Item1
  \item Item1
  \item Item1
\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Def:}}  TCumulative distribution function (cdf ): is the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equa l to X.
      Useful mnemonics:
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons
        \item "OIL RIG -- \textbf{O}xidation \textbf{I}s \textbf{L}oss of electrons, \textbf{R}eduction \textbf{I}s \textbf{G}ain of electrons

불량 상자 없이 정렬됨

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