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  \raisebox{-.2\baselineskip}{% ...lower image slightly


In Theorem~2.4 we show that, for any given $x_0 \in \mathcal{H} \setminus A^{-1}(0)$, 
and $\theta > 0$, there exists a unique strong (locally Lipschitz in time) global solution
$t \mapsto (x(t), \lambda(t))$ of~\mbox{(4)} which satisfies the Cauchy data $x(0) = x_0$.
It is convenient to define 
$\mysymbol = \{(\omega,\eta,\zeta) : \psi_{\Lambda,\beta,h}(\omega,\eta,\zeta) = 0, \mathrm{hold(2,a),(2.b)}\}$.


사용하려는 "기호"에 대한 매크로를 정의했습니다. 문서 전체에서 표기법을 재사용하려는 경우 이는 일반적입니다.일관성을 촉진합니다.


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In Theorem~2.4 we show that, for any given $x_0 \in \mathcal{H} \setminus A^{-1}(0)$, 
and $\theta > 0$, there exists a unique strong (locally Lipschitz in time) global solution
$t \mapsto (x(t), \lambda(t))$ of~\mbox{(4)} which satisfies the Cauchy data $x(0) = x_0$.
It is convenient to define 
$\mysymbol = \{(\omega,\eta,\zeta) : \psi_{\Lambda,\beta,h}(\omega,\eta,\zeta) = 0, \mathrm{hold(2,a),(2.b)}\}$.
In Theorem~2.4 we show that, for any given $x_0 \in \mathcal{H} \setminus A^{-1}(0)$, 
and $\theta > 0$, there exists a unique strong (locally Lipschitz in time) global solution
$t \mapsto (x(t), \lambda(t))$ of~\mbox{(4)} which satisfies the Cauchy data $x(0) = x_0$.
It is convenient to define 
$\mysymbol = \{(\omega,\eta,\zeta) : \psi_{\Lambda,\beta,h}(\omega,\eta,\zeta) = 0, \mathrm{hold(2,a),(2.b)}\}$.


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