미니페이지의 (가로) 위치 변경

미니페이지의 (가로) 위치 변경

나는 Latex로 이력서를 작성하고 있는데 이것이 나의 첫 번째 Latex 프로젝트입니다. 패키지를 사용하여 tabto일부 포인트를 특정 수평 위치로 이동했습니다. 이제 상단의 주소를 같은 위치로 옮기려고 합니다. 그런데, 제가 무엇을 하고 있어도 tabto. 어떤 아이디어가 있나요?

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요



\contactname{My Name} \\                % name
  {tel:+010000000000}                           % phone link (with int'l code)
    {000-000-0000}                              % phone display text
  {mailto:[email protected]}                        % email link
    {[email protected]}                             % email display text
  {https://user.com}                            % web link
    {user.com}                                  % web display text
  {Street}                                      % address line 1 (house and street)
  {City, State}{Zip}                            % address line 2 (city, state, and zip)
  {Coutnry}                                     % address line 3 (country)

\section{{\faBriefcase} Experience}
\placeandlocation{Company1}{City, State} \\
\titleandyears{Title}{Date - Date} \\
Duties \\
  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item4
Accomplishments \\
  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item4
\placeandlocation{Company2}{City, State} \\
\titleandyears{Title}{Date - Date} \\
Duties \\
  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item4
Accomplishments \\
  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item4

\section{{\faGraduationCap} Education}
\placeandlocation{University}{City, State} \\
Major:~\majorminor{Major}{Date - Date}\\
GPA:~~~~4.00/4.00 \\
Accomplishments \\
  \item Item1
  \item Item2
  \item Item3
  \item Item4



\RequirePackage[document]{ragged2e}       % to left/right align items
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\RequirePackage{titlesec}                 % to format the title
\RequirePackage{color}                    % to define specific colors
\RequirePackage{hyperref}                 % to make clickable URLs
      linkcolor=darkblue,                 % color of internal links
      urlcolor=darkblue,                  % color of external links
\RequirePackage{tabto}                    % for aligning text

% FontAwesome               %
\RequirePackage{fontspec}                 % to add fonts
\newfontfamily{\FA}{FontAwesome.ttf}      % place FontAwesome.ttf in the same folder
  \def\faMobile{\FA \symbol{"F10B}}
  \def\faPhone{\FA \symbol{"F095}}
  \def\faPhoneSquare{\FA \symbol{"F098}}
  \def\faEnvelope{\FA \symbol{"F0E0}}
  \def\faHome{\FA \symbol{"F015}}
  \def\faGlobe{\FA \symbol{"F0AC}}
  \def\faBriefcase{\FA \symbol{"F0B1}}
  \def\faGraduationCap{\FA \symbol{"F19D}}
  \def\faMapMarker{\FA \symbol{"F041}}


% Contact info              %
  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{} c l}
    {\faPhone} & \href{#1}{#2} \\
    {\faEnvelope} & \href{#3}{#4} \\
    {\faGlobe} & \href{#5}{#6}
  \raggedright{\faHome} {#1} \\
   {#2} {#3} \\

% Sections                  %

% Experience specific stuff %
  {\raggedright\bf{{#1}} \tabto{\rightsidetab}{\faMapMarker} {#2}}
  {\raggedright\textit{#1} \tabto{\rightsidetab} {#2}}

% Education specific stuff  %
  {\raggedright\textit{#1} \tabto{\rightsidetab} {#2}}

관련 정보