Biblatex: 작업 문서를 기사로 조판하는 방법

Biblatex: 작업 문서를 기사로 조판하는 방법

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    author               = {Ackerberg, Daniel and Caves, Kevin and Frazer, Garth},
    doi                  = {10.3982/ECTA13408},
    issn                 = {1468-0262},
    journal              = {Econometrica},
    keywords             = {Production functions , productivity , total factor productivity , productivity growth},
    number               = {6},
    pages                = {2411--2451},
    publisher            = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd},
    title                = {Identification Properties of Recent Production Function Estimators},
    url                  = {},
    volume               = {83},
    year                 = {2015},
    author      = {Ackerberg, Daniel and Caves, Kevin and Frazer, Garth},
    title       = {Structural Identification of Production Functions},
    type        = {MPRA Paper},
    institution = {University Library of Munich, Germany},
    year        = {2006},
    number      = {38349},
    url         = {},






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