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There have been a number of alternative proofs of this result offered over the years; e.g. \cite{Spinetto:1974aa}, \cite{Charnes:1967aa}, and the methods employed have turned out to be of almost as much interest as the result itself. For example,
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Package natbib Warning: Citation 'Spinetto:1974aa' on page 2 undefined on input line 43
Package natbib Warning: Citation 'Charnes:1967aa' on page 2 undefined on input line 43.
./BibTexTest.bbl:1: LaTeX Error: \newblock undefined.
l.1 \begin{the bibliography}{2}
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\bibitem[{Charnes \protect\BIBand{} Kortanek(1967)}]{Charnes:1967aa}
Charnes A, Kortanek K (1967) On balanced sets, cores and linear programming.
\emph{Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes de Recherche Operationelle} 9:32--43.
Spinetto R (1974) The geometry of solution concepts for {\it n}-person
cooperative games. \emph{Manage Sci} 20:1292--1299.
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편집: 방금 Google 그룹에서 문제를 마술처럼 해결한 제안을 발견했습니다(또는 적어도 제출할 수 있어야 하는 참조 생성을 허용했습니다). TEX 파일의 맨 아래, \bibliographystyle에 다음 줄을 추가했습니다.
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저는 경영 과학 템플릿에 다음과 같은 정의가 있어야 한다고 생각합니다 .
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미래의 사용자를 위해: 비슷한 문제가 있었는데 .bib 항목에서 필요하지 않은 '역슬래시' 기호를 발견했습니다.
\newblock 2-way \FSI fails during first time step — {ANSYS} learning forum,
\newblock 2-way FSI fails during first time step — {ANSYS} learning forum,
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