비머 환경 에서 한 쌍의 기둥을 모으는 데 문제가 있습니다 . 다른 관련 질문에서 알 수 있듯이 열 너비를 수정하려고 시도했지만 지금까지는 아무 것도 변경되지 않았습니다. 슬라이드는 다음과 같습니다.
코드는 다음과 같습니다.
Constrained parameters are stored in the file \texttt{work/models/func1.mdl}. Although there are some public parameters, by default all particle masses and external function calculated ones, by modifying the file it is posible to set all of them as public. \\ \pause
Finally, lets see some of the methods that can make the calculation of spectrum and of all public model constrains:\pause
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}\\
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName,\&spin2, \&charge3,\&cdim)}\footnote{The \& represents a memory direction in C}\\
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}\\
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}\\
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}\\
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}\\
%\item \texttt{findValW(name)}\\
%\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}\\
%\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}\\
%\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD,sort)}\\
- 이로
인해 문제가 발생하지만 이를 사용하여 문제를 피할 수\footnotemark[1]
. \column[t]{0.5cm}
물론 열의 내용에 비해 너무 작습니다.
\begin{columns}[onlytextwidth, T]
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName, \&spin2, \&charge3, \&cdim)}\footnotemark
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}
\item \texttt{findValW(name)}
\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}
\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}
\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD, sort)}
\footnotetext{The \& represents a memory direction in C}
요점은 \각주인 것 같습니다. 좀 더 많은 측면을 수정했지만 다소 심미적인 이유가 있었습니다.
Constrained parameters are stored in the file
\texttt{work/models/func1.mdl}. Although there are some public
parameters, by default all particle masses and external function
calculated ones, by modifying the file it is posible to set all of
them as public. \\ \pause Finally, lets see some of the methods that
can make the calculation of spectrum and of all public model
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}\\
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName,\&spin2, \&charge3,\&cdim)}%\footnote{The \& represents a memory direction in C}\\
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}\\
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}\\
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}\\
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}\\
\item \texttt{findValW(name)}\\
\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}\\
\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}\\
\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD,sort)}\\
매뉴얼에서 볼 수 있듯이: "먼저 경고합니다: 각주를 사용하는 것은 일반적으로 좋은 생각이 아닙니다." [beameruserguide.pdf의 섹션 12.12]