나는 찾았다이것Tikz를 사용하여 Crow's Foot ERM 다이어그램을 수행하는 방법에 대한 게시물이 있지만 엔터티가 프레임 외부에 있기 때문에 이상해 보입니다. 그러나 그것은 효과가 있었습니다.
그러다가 찾았어요이것더 좋은 버전을 만들어 결합하려고 시도했지만 안타깝게도 왜 작동하지 않는지 알 수 없습니다. 두 엔터티를 나란히 인쇄하여 까마귀 발 와이어로 연결할 수 없습니다. 그들은 항상 서로 겹쳐서 인쇄합니다 ...
어떻게 선과 스타일을 모두 가질 수 있나요?
rounded corners,
inner sep=2pt,
every entity/.try,
entity anchor/.style={matrix anchor=#1},
every entity/.style={
every property/.style={
inner xsep=0.20cm, inner ysep=0.075cm, anchor=west, text width=1.75in
\def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{\propertysplit#1;};}
\foreach \p in {#1}{%
\node[every entity name/.try] (\entityname-name) {\entityname};
\draw (\entityname-name.south west) -- (\entityname-name.south east);
every entity name/.style={every property/.try, align=center}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\ttfamily}, node distance=0.5in]
\matrix (m1) [entity=Employee] {
Password : varchar(255),
Name : varchar(255),
LastName : varchar(255)
\matrix (m2) [entity=Student] {
Password : varchar(255),
Name : varchar(255),
LastName : varchar(255)
\draw [->] (m1) -- (m2); % <-- it break's here...
%\draw [one to omany] (Employee-Username:) to node[above]{label} (Student-Username:);
편집: 이것은 IT 데이터베이스 구조를 시각화하기 위한 까마귀 발 표기법입니다.
귀하의 MWE는 내 지식 수준보다 높으므로 내부가 포함된 pic
( entity
) 솔루션을 제안합니다 tabular
의 인수는 pic
3개입니다: 노드 이름, 엔터티 이름 및 행 tabular
(아마도 세 번째 인수로 전체를 갖는 것이 더 우아할 수 있습니다 tabular
. 이 경우 피하기 위해 두 개의 새로운 열 유형을 정의할 수 있습니다) 항상 입력하세요).
등 의 코드는 one to many
다음에서 가져옵니다.당신이 링크한 게시물 중 하나.
엔터티의 크기가 tabular
% code for "one to omany", etc. is taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/141797/101651
\pgfarrowsdeclare{crow's foot}{crow's foot}
%\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
%\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}
%\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
pics/entity/.style n args={3}{code={%
\node[draw, blue,
shade, top color=white, bottom color=blue!30,
drop shadow={gray!70,
shadow xshift=3pt,
shadow yshift=-3pt,
rounded corners},
rounded corners,
] (#1)
text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex,
above =0pt of #1
pics/entitysimple/.style n args={3}{code={%
\node[draw, rounded corners,
rectangle split,
rectangle split parts=2,
text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex
] (#1)
{#2 \nodepart{second}
zig zag to/.style={
to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget)}
zig zag to/.default=0.5,
one to one/.style={
one-one, zig zag to
one to many/.style={
one-crow's foot, zig zag to,
one to omany/.style={
one-omany, zig zag to
many to one/.style={
crow's foot-one, zig zag to
many to many/.style={
crow's foot-crow's foot, zig zag to
\noindent Version like your colored image:
\pic {entity={empl}{Employee}{%
Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Password: & varchar(255) \\
Name: & varchar(255) \\
LastName: & varchar(255) \\
\pic[right=7em of empl] {entity={stud}{Student}{%
Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Password: & varchar(255) \\
Name: & varchar(255) \\
LastName: & varchar(255) \\
\pic[below=12ex of stud] {entity={thesis}{Thesis}{%
Title: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Year: & numeric(4) \\
\draw[one to omany] ($(empl.north east)-(0,10pt)$) -- node[above]{\footnotesize\texttt{teaches}} ($(stud.north west)-(0,10pt)$);
\draw[one to one] ($(stud.south)+(50pt,0)$) -- node[left]{\footnotesize\texttt{writes}} ($(thesis.north)+(50pt,0)$);
\draw[one to many] ($(empl.south)+(30pt,0)$) |- node[left, yshift=36pt] {\footnotesize\texttt{supervises}} ($(thesis.west)+(0,4pt)$);
Version like your code:
\pic {entitysimple={empl}{Employee}{%
Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Password: & varchar(255) \\
Name: & varchar(255) \\
LastName: & varchar(255) \\
\pic[right=7em of empl] {entitysimple={stud}{Student}{%
Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Password: & varchar(255) \\
Name: & varchar(255) \\
LastName: & varchar(255) \\
\pic[below=12ex of stud] {entitysimple={thesis}{Thesis}{%
Title: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
Year: & numeric(4) \\
\draw[one to omany] (empl.east) -- node[above]{\footnotesize\texttt{teaches}} (stud.west);
\draw[one to one] (stud.south) -- node[left]{\footnotesize\texttt{writes}} (thesis.north);
\draw[one to many] (empl.south) |- node[left, yshift=44pt, xshift=-2pt] {\footnotesize\texttt{supervises}} (thesis.west);