이런 종류의 블록 다이어그램을 그리는 방법은 무엇입니까?

이런 종류의 블록 다이어그램을 그리는 방법은 무엇입니까?

그림에 첨부된 블록다이어그램을 그려보려고 합니다. 그림을 그리려고 했는데 화살표를 추가하고 내가 사용한 빅박스에 라벨을 붙이는 방법을 모르겠습니다. 기존 코드에서 완성하거나 새로운 방식으로 블록 다이어그램을 그리는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 사람이 있습니까?여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

다음 코드를 사용하여 그려 보았습니다.

\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

    \node[bigbox] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
    \node[bigbox] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


이미 솔루션이 제공 되었지만 jakun이는 대체 솔루션입니다.

SourceDestination가장 큰 노드의 레이블로 추가할 수 있습니다 fit.

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};

fit( 중요 노드만 포함하고 전체 노드는 포함하지 않도록 매개변수를 단순화했습니다 .)

jakun's transform canvas그리고 (내가 몰랐던) 대안으로 다음을 사용할 수 있습니다.

\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);

또는 calctikzlibrary를 사용하여:

\draw[->] ($(O.north east)!.2!(O.south east)$) -- ($(Ad.north west)!.2!(Ad.south west)$);

전체 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, backgrounds, fit}


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45, font=\sffamily]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};     
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox, label=destination] (Ad) [fit = (Z) (Ac) (V)] {};
\path (M.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (N.south);
\path (V.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (W.south);

\draw[->] ([yshift=-8mm]O.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|Ad.west);
\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

업데이트:일부 노드의 도움으로 코드를 단순화할 수 있습니다 matrix.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, fit, matrix}


    shorten >=1pt,
    shorten <=1pt,
    block/.style = {rectangle, black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em},
    packet/.style={draw, thick, matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={block, draw}},
    bigbox/.style={rectangle, draw, thick}

\matrix (A1) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\matrix (B1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=3mm of A1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (C1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of B1]{ & & \\};
\node[bigbox, label=Source] (D1) [fit = (A1) (C1)] {};

\matrix (C2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=2cm of C1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (B2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of C2]{ & & \\};
\matrix (A2) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm, right=3mm of B2]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\node[bigbox, label=Destination] (D2) [fit = (A2) (C2)] {};

\path (B1.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C1.south);
\path (B2.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C2.south);

\draw[->, thick] ([yshift=-8mm]D1.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|D2.west);
\draw[<-, thick] ([yshift=8mm]D1.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|D2.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


코드에 다음을 추가합니다.

% arrows
\draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (O.north east) -- (Ad.north west);
\draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (O.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (Ad.south west);
% invisible coordinates to position the labels
\node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of O] {\strut};
\path (O) -- coordinate (channel-x-position) (Ad);
% labels
\node[above=0pt of O] {Source};
\node[above=0pt of Ad] {Destination};
\node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};

루프를 사용하겠습니다.

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc}

\begin{tikzpicture}%[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
    \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
    \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
    \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
    \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
    \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
    \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
    \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
    %\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}


    % ------ source ------
    % vertical
    \node[block] (source-ver-1) {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (source-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of source-ver-\last] {}; 

    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=.1cm of source-ver-3] (source-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (source-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of source-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (source-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of source-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (source-hor-group-\group) [fit = (source-hor-\group-1) (source-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Source] (source) [fit = (source-ver-1) (source-ver-\numVer) (source-hor-group-\numHorGroups)] {};

    % ------ destination ------
    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=2cm of source-hor-\numHorGroups-\numHor] (dest-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of dest-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of dest-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (dest-hor-group-\group) [fit = (dest-hor-\group-1) (dest-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % vertical
    \coordinate[right=.3cm of dest-hor-group-\numHorGroups] (dest-ver-west);
    \node[block] (dest-ver-1) at (dest-ver-west |- source-ver-1) [anchor=west] {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (dest-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of dest-ver-\last] {}; 

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Destination] (dest) [fit = (dest-ver-1) (dest-ver-\numVer) (dest-hor-group-1)] {};

    % ------ arrows ------
    % arrows
    \draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (source.north east) -- (dest.north west);
    \draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (source.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (dest.south west);
    % invisible coordinates to position the labels
    \node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of source] {\strut};
    \coordinate (channel-x-position) at ($(source.east)!.5!(dest.west)$);
    % labels
    \node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};



예를 들어 더 많은 정사각형 노드를 얻고 출력 및 입력 버퍼를 패킷 목록 중앙에 정렬하기 위해 코드의 일부 부분을 변경했습니다. calc뿐만 아니라 라이브러리를 이용하여 -|원하는 위치로 좌표를 조작할 수 있습니다. 저는 폰트에 별로 관심을 두지 않았습니다.


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
  % \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
  \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum width=1em, minimum height=1em]
  % \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
  % \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
  % \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
  \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
  % \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
  % \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
  % \tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
  \node[block] (A) {};
  \node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
  \node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
  \node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
  \node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
  \node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
  \node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of {$(C.south east)!0.5!(D.north east)$}] {};
  \node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
  \node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
  \node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
  \node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
  \node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

  \node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
  \node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
  \node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
  \node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
  \node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
  \node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
  \node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of {U.east |- C}] {};
  \node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
  \node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
  \node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  % \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox,label=above:Source] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox,label=above:Destination] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
  % \end{pgfonlayer}
  \draw[->](O.30)--(Ad.180 |- O.30);
  \draw[<-](O.-30)--(Ad.180 |- O.-30)node[pos=0.5,below]{ACK};
  \node[below=1em] at ($(O.south east)!0.5!(Ad.south west)$){CHANNEL};
  \node[below] at ($(M.south)!0.5!(N.south)$){Packets};
  \node[below] at ($(V.south)!0.5!(W.south)$){Packets};


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

관련 정보