
나는 플러시왼쪽 대신 중앙에 장 제목을 배치하고 싶었습니다. 나는 사용했다
장 제목을 중앙에 배치했지만 거의 페이지 중간에서 시작하여 내 논문에서는 나빠 보입니다. 나는 제목을 중앙 집중화하고 "Abstract" 또는 내 논문의 다른 페이지처럼 페이지 머리글에서 적절한 거리에서 시작하기를 원합니다.
여기 내 tex 파일이 있습니다:
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\degree{Master of Science}
\department{Department of Physics} \gradyear{2017}
\title{\uppercase{Double-Degenerate }}
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% \layout
%% This generates the title page from the information given above.
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\vskip -0.17in
\hspace{2.95in} \makeatletter{\@author}\makeatletter
Date \makebox[2.61in]{\hrulefill}
\begin{flushleft} We approve the thesis of \makeatletter{\@author}\makeatletter \end{flushleft}
\hspace{3.8in} Date of Signature
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Robert Fisher\\
Associate Professor, Department of Physics \\
Thesis Advisor\\
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Gaurav Khanna \\
Professor and Graduate Program Director\\
Department of Physics\\
Thesis Committee\\
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Jianyi Jay Wang\\
Associate Professor, Department of Physics\\
Thesis Committee\\
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Grant V. O'Rielly\\
Chairperson, Department of Physics\\
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Robert E. Peck\\
Dean, College of Engineering\\
\makebox[2.5in]{\hrulefill} \hspace{1.5in} \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \\
%Tesfay Meressi\\
Associate Provost for Graduate Studies\\
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%% There should be NOTHING between the title page and abstract.
%% This generates the abstract page, with the line spacing adjusted
%% according to SGS guidelines.
%% *** Put your Abstract here. ***
%% (At most 150 words for M.Sc. or 350 words for Ph.D.)
Type Ia supernovae are theorized to originate from thermonuclear explosion of Carbon-Oxygen white dwarfs (CO WDs)
%% This generates an "acknowledgements" section, if needed.
%% (uncomment to have it appear in the document)
% %% *** Put your Acknowledgements here. ***
This thesis is based on a peer-reviewed paper
% \end{flushleft}
%% This generates the Table of Contents (on a separate page).
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%% (uncomment to have it appear in the document)
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%% (uncomment to have it appear in the document)
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%% End of the preliminary sections: reset page style and numbering.
\renewcommand\bibname{\vskip -1in Bibliography\vskip -0.24in}
% % % % %
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(편집: 수직 공간에 대한 설명도 확인하세요)