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Plainnat 참고문헌 스타일을 사용하여 첫 번째 저자가 동일한 경우 참고문헌을 알파벳순으로 정렬합니다.

라이오넬 호와 동료들이 쓴 글이 많아요. natbib패키지와 스타일을 사용합니다 plainnat. 편집할 때 참고문헌이 두 번째 저자의 성을 기준으로 정렬되지 않습니다. 어떻게 해결할 수 있나요?

  author   = {Ho, Lionel and Dreyfus, J. and Boyer, J. and Lowe, T. and Bustamante, H. and Duker, P. and Meli, T. and Newcombe, G.},
  title    = {Fate of...},
  year     = {2012},

  author   = {Ho, Lionel and Hoefel, D. and Saint, C. P. and Newcombe, Gayle},
  title    = {Isolation...},
  year     = {2007},}

  author  = {Ho, Lionel and Slyman, Najwa and Kaeding, Uwe and Newcombe, Gayle},
  title   = {Optimizing...},
  year    = {2008},}


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@preamble{ " \providecommand{\noopsort[1]{}} " }
  author   = {Ho, Lionel and Dreyfus, J. and Boyer, J. and Lowe, T. and Bustamante, H. and Duker, P. and Meli, T. and Newcombe, G.},
  title    = {Fate of...},
  year     = {\noopsort{c}2012},}
  author   = {Ho, Lionel and Hoefel, D. and Saint, C. P. and Newcombe, Gayle},
  title    = {Isolation...},
  year     = {\noopsort{a}2007},}
  author  = {Ho, Lionel and Slyman, Najwa and Kaeding, Uwe and Newcombe, Gayle},
  title   = {Optimizing...},
  year    = {\noopsort{b}2008},}
% bib file continues...

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