긴 표 형식의 테이블 - TeXstudio에서 컴파일할 때 3가지 다른 오류 발생

긴 표 형식의 테이블 - TeXstudio에서 컴파일할 때 3가지 다른 오류 발생

긴 문서에는 한 페이지 이상에 걸쳐 여러 개의 테이블이 있습니다. 대부분은 많은 텍스트를 포함하므로 tabularx열 너비를 올바르게 분배하기 위해 패키지를 사용하고 있습니다. 나는 패키지를 사용하여 here (지금은 찾을 수 없음)의 다른 질문에 대한 조언에 따라 이 작업을 수행했으며 ltablex다음 문서를 가지고 있습니다. (예)




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     \caption{\small Sample caption.} \\
\rowcolor{steelblue} \textcolor{white}{Quality Characteristics  ( Requirements)} & \textcolor{white}{Minimize, Maximize, or Target}  & \textcolor{white}{Max Relationship}  & \textcolor{white}{Requirement  Weight} & \textcolor{white}{Relative Weight}   \tabularnewline
Possibility of Automation                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                  \tabularnewline
Curling                                                               & minimize                                                                & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Young's modulus                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 10,26               & 0,80\%                                  \tabularnewline
Peel-off adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 47,62               & 3,72\%                             \tabularnewline
Presence of characteristic feature                                    &target                                                               & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Substrate preparation time                                            & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Number of steps                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
time of application                                                   & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 19,89               & 1,55\%                                  \tabularnewline
Film preparation time                                                 & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Equipment Cost                                                        & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 4,50                & 0,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Consumables cost per hour                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,51               & 1,05\%                                  \tabularnewline
Material cost per area                                                & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,89               & 1,08\%                                  \tabularnewline
Wetting                                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 28,44               & 2,22\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum Heat Absorption                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,14               & 1,10\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stain resistance                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,28               & 2,67\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface texture                                                       &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 85,20               & 6,65\%                                  \tabularnewline
Area of residue left                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Self-healing properties                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 22,27               & 1,74\%                                  \tabularnewline
Ability of repair with DIY paint repair kits (decorative only)        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Polishing quality                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Scratch resistance                                                    & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,15               & 2,66\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge Roughness                                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 38,78               & 3,03\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of adhesive                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Cling adhesion                                                        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 7,51                & 0,59\%                                  \tabularnewline
Opacity                                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,80               & 1,23\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour deviation                                                      & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 76,19               & 5,94\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thickness                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,98               & 2,34\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge visibility                                                       & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 22,77               & 1,78\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss                                                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 55,80               & 4,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Transmittance of protective film                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of bubbles                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Features supporting bubble-free application                           &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 6,01                & 0,47\%                                  \tabularnewline
Orange peel look                                                      &target                                                             & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Variation in surface roughness                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 11,63               & 0,91\%                                  \tabularnewline
Rubbing wear resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Reactivity with chemical substances                                   &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 39,41               & 3,07\%                                  \tabularnewline
Abrasion Resistance                                                   & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Nano-scratch resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Elongation                                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 23,52               & 1,83\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stone chipping resistance                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Impact toughness                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shear adhesion                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge adhesion                                                         & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Pressure adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface Energy                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,39               & 1,43\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possibility to apply custom colour                                    &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                 \tabularnewline
Printability                                                          &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 4,88                & 0,38\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possible to store in production area                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 12,39               & 0,97\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour changing properties                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 9,76                & 0,76\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal conductivity                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 14,39               & 1,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal expansion coefficient                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Minimum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 20,52               & 1,60\%                                  \tabularnewline
Hardness                                                              & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Change in toughness per time                                          & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss loss over time                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Corrosion resistance                                                  & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Water absorption                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,23               & 2,28\%                                  \tabularnewline
Air tightness                                                         & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,75                & 0,45\%                                  \tabularnewline
Solubility in water                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shrinkage                                                             & minimize                                                               & 9                                                                  & 17,26               & 1,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Yellowing                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of toxic substances                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Toxicity after disposal                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Flammability                                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Percentage content of recyclable materials                            & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of standard Toxic substances                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Friction drag coefficient                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 9,38                & 0,73\%                                  \tabularnewline
Mass per area                                                         & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,14               & 1,02\%                                  \tabularnewline
Usage of special or specific tools                                    &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 3,50                & 0,27\%                                \tabularnewline \hline


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\caption문제는 부동 환경( ) 내부에 있는 경우와 같습니다 tabularx. 그러나 를 정의하는 것으로 정의 ltablex합니다 .tabularxlongtable\caption

원하는 것을 얻으려면 \captionof{table}{...}외부를 사용하십시오 .tabularx

MWE(열을 조정하지 않았으며 연습용으로 남겨두었습니다)




\captionof{table}{\small Sample caption.}\label{tab:qfd}
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\rowcolor{steelblue} \textcolor{white}{Quality Characteristics  (Requirements)} & \textcolor{white}{Minimize, Maximize, or Target}  & \textcolor{white}{Max Relationship}  & \textcolor{white}{Requirement  Weight} & \textcolor{white}{Relative Weight}   \tabularnewline
Possibility of Automation                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                  \tabularnewline
Curling                                                               & minimize                                                                & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Young's modulus                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 10,26               & 0,80\%                                  \tabularnewline
Peel-off adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 47,62               & 3,72\%                             \tabularnewline
Presence of characteristic feature                                    &target                                                               & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Substrate preparation time                                            & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Number of steps                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
time of application                                                   & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 19,89               & 1,55\%                                  \tabularnewline
Film preparation time                                                 & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Equipment Cost                                                        & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 4,50                & 0,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Consumables cost per hour                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,51               & 1,05\%                                  \tabularnewline
Material cost per area                                                & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,89               & 1,08\%                                  \tabularnewline
Wetting                                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 28,44               & 2,22\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum Heat Absorption                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,14               & 1,10\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stain resistance                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,28               & 2,67\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface texture                                                       &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 85,20               & 6,65\%                                  \tabularnewline
Area of residue left                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Self-healing properties                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 22,27               & 1,74\%                                  \tabularnewline
Ability of repair with DIY paint repair kits (decorative only)        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Polishing quality                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Scratch resistance                                                    & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,15               & 2,66\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge Roughness                                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 38,78               & 3,03\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of adhesive                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Cling adhesion                                                        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 7,51                & 0,59\%                                  \tabularnewline
Opacity                                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,80               & 1,23\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour deviation                                                      & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 76,19               & 5,94\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thickness                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,98               & 2,34\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge visibility                                                       & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 22,77               & 1,78\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss                                                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 55,80               & 4,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Transmittance of protective film                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of bubbles                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Features supporting bubble-free application                           &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 6,01                & 0,47\%                                  \tabularnewline
Orange peel look                                                      &target                                                             & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Variation in surface roughness                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 11,63               & 0,91\%                                  \tabularnewline
Rubbing wear resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Reactivity with chemical substances                                   &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 39,41               & 3,07\%                                  \tabularnewline
Abrasion Resistance                                                   & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Nano-scratch resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Elongation                                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 23,52               & 1,83\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stone chipping resistance                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Impact toughness                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shear adhesion                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge adhesion                                                         & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Pressure adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface Energy                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,39               & 1,43\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possibility to apply custom colour                                    &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                 \tabularnewline
Printability                                                          &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 4,88                & 0,38\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possible to store in production area                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 12,39               & 0,97\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour changing properties                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 9,76                & 0,76\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal conductivity                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 14,39               & 1,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal expansion coefficient                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Minimum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 20,52               & 1,60\%                                  \tabularnewline
Hardness                                                              & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Change in toughness per time                                          & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss loss over time                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Corrosion resistance                                                  & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Water absorption                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,23               & 2,28\%                                  \tabularnewline
Air tightness                                                         & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,75                & 0,45\%                                  \tabularnewline
Solubility in water                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shrinkage                                                             & minimize                                                               & 9                                                                  & 17,26               & 1,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Yellowing                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of toxic substances                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Toxicity after disposal                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Flammability                                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Percentage content of recyclable materials                            & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of standard Toxic substances                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Friction drag coefficient                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 9,38                & 0,73\%                                  \tabularnewline
Mass per area                                                         & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,14               & 1,02\%                                  \tabularnewline
Usage of special or specific tools                                    &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 3,50                & 0,27\%                                \tabularnewline \hline


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요


내 생각에 가장 큰 오류는 열의 상대적 길이가 설정되는 방식입니다 X. 계수의 합은 1이 아니라 버전의 열 수인 5와 같아야 합니다.

S의 열 유형을 사용하여 siunitx소수점에 정렬하고 \theadfrom 명령을 사용하여 makecell열 머리글 및 머리글 내부의 줄 바꿈에 대한 공통 형식을 갖도록 테이블을 개선했습니다 .

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside,table, svgnames, x11names]{report}
\usepackage{siunitx, makecell, booktabs}
\renewcommand{\tabularxcolumn}[1]{ >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{#1}}


  cS[table-format=2.2, table-column-width =2cm]S[table-format=1.2]}
  \caption{\small Sample caption.}
  \label{tab:qfd} \\
  \rowcolor{steelblue} \thead{Quality Characteristics \\(Requirements)} & \thead{Minimize, \\Maximize,\\ or Target} & {\thead{Max \\Relationship}} &{\thead{Requirement\\ Weight}} &{\thead{Relative\\ Weight (\%)}}\\\addlinespace
  \rowcolor{steelblue} \thead{Quality Characteristics \\(Requirements)} & \thead{Minimize, \\Maximize,\\ or Target} & {\thead{Max \\Relationship}} &{\thead{Requirement\\ Weight}} &{\thead{Relative\\ Weight (\%)}} \\\addlinespace
  \multicolumn{5}{r}{\scriptsize to be continued}
  Possibility of Automation & maximize & 9 & 14,64 & 1,14 \\
  Curling & minimize & 1 & 1,50 & 0,12 \\
  Young's modulus & minimize & 3 & 10,26 & 0,80 \\
  Peel-off adhesion & maximize & 9 & 47,62 & 3,72 \\
  Presence of characteristic feature & target & 1 & 1,50 & 0,12 \\
  Substrate preparation time & minimize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Number of steps & minimize & 3 & 5,13 & 0,40 \\
  time of application & minimize & 9 & 19,89 & 1,55 \\
  Film preparation time & minimize & 3 & 5,13 & 0,40 \\
  Equipment Cost & minimize & 3 & 4,50 & 0,35 \\
  Consumables cost per hour & minimize & 9 & 13,51 & 1,05 \\
  Material cost per area & minimize & 9 & 13,89 & 1,08 \\
  Wetting & minimize & 9 & 28,44 & 2,22 \\
  Maximum Heat Absorption & minimize & 9 & 14,14 & 1,10 \\
  Stain resistance & maximize & 9 & 34,28 & 2,67 \\
  Surface texture & target & 9 & 85,20 & 6,65 \\
  Area of residue left & minimize & 9 & 16,51 & 1,29 \\
  Self-healing properties & target & 9 & 22,27 & 1,74 \\
  Ability of repair with\break DIY paint repair kits\break (decorative only) & target & 3 & 5,00 & 0,39 \\
  Polishing quality & maximize & 3 & 5,00 & 0,39 \\
  Scratch resistance & maximize & 9 & 34,15 & 2,66 \\
  Edge Roughness & minimize & 9 & 38,78 & 3,03 \\
  Presence of adhesive & target & 9 & 16,51 & 1,29 \\
  Cling adhesion & target & 3 & 7,51 & 0,59 \\
  Opacity & maximize & 9 & 15,80 & 1,23 \\
  Colour deviation & minimize & 9 & 76,19 & 5,94 \\
  Thickness & minimize & 9 & 29,98 & 2,34 \\
  Edge visibility & minimize & 9 & 22,77 & 1,78 \\
  Gloss & target & 9 & 55,80 & 4,35 \\
  Transmittance of\break protective film & maximize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Presence of bubbles & target & 9 & 18,02 & 1,41 \\
  Features supporting\break bubble-free application & target & 3 & 6,01 & 0,47 \\
  Orange peel look & target & 9 & 18,02 & 1,41 \\
  Variation in surface roughness & minimize & 9 & 11,63 & 0,91 \\
  Rubbing wear resistance & maximize & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Reactivity with \break chemical substances & target & 9 & 39,41 & 3,07 \\
  Abrasion Resistance & maximize & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Nano-scratch resistance & maximize & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Elongation & target & 9 & 23,52 & 1,83 \\
  Stone chipping resistance & maximize & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Impact toughness & maximize & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Shear adhesion & maximize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Edge adhesion & maximize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Pressure adhesion & maximize & 3 & 5,13 & 0,40 \\
  Surface Energy & maximize & 9 & 18,39 & 1,43 \\
  Possibility to apply custom colour & target & 9 & 14,64 & 1,14 \\
  Printability & target & 3 & 4,88 & 0,38 \\
  Possible to store\break in production area & target & 9 & 12,39 & 0,97 \\
  Colour changing properties & target & 9 & 9,76 & 0,76 \\
  Thermal conductivity & target & 9 & 14,39 & 1,12 \\
  Thermal expansion coefficient & target & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Minimum operating temperature & target & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Maximum operating temperature & target & 9 & 20,52 & 1,60 \\
  Hardness & maximize & 3 & 5,13 & 0,40 \\
  Change in toughness per time & minimize & 3 & 5,13 & 0,40 \\
  Gloss loss over time & minimize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Corrosion resistance & maximize & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Water absorption & maximize & 9 & 29,23 & 2,28 \\
  Air tightness & maximize & 3 & 5,75 & 0,45 \\
  Solubility in water & target & 9 & 15,39 & 1,20 \\
  Shrinkage & minimize & 9 & 17,26 & 1,35 \\
  Yellowing & minimize & 9 & 18,02 & 1,41 \\
  Presence of toxic substances & target & 9 & 18,77 & 1,46 \\
  Toxicity after disposal & target & 9 & 18,77 & 1,46 \\
  Flammability & target & 9 & 18,77 & 1,46 \\
  Percentage content of \break recyclable materials & maximize & 9 & 16,51 & 1,29 \\
  Presence of standard \break Toxic substances & target & 9 & 16,89 & 1,32 \\
  Friction drag coefficient & minimize & 9 & 9,38 & 0,73 \\
  Mass per area & minimize & 9 & 13,14 & 1,02 \\
  Usage of special \break or specific tools & target & 3 & 3,50 & 0,27


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요


오류의 원인을 찾았을 수도 있지만 100%는 아닙니다.

MWE(OP의 문제가 있는 코드의 단축 버전)를 고려하십시오.


            >{\setlength\hsize{0.5  \hsize}\centering}X
            >{\setlength\hsize{0.15  \hsize}\centering}X
            >{\setlength\hsize{0.17 \hsize}\centering}X
            >{\setlength\hsize{0.08 \hsize}\centering}X
            >{\setlength\hsize{0.1 \hsize}\centering}X}  
%           \caption{\small Sample caption.\label{tab:qfd}} \tabularnewline
        A & B  & C  & D & E   \tabularnewline
        1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5     \tabularnewline

1) 주석 처리되면 잘 컴파일되지만 OP가 보고하는 것과 유사하게 남아 있으면 오류 \caption가 발생합니다 ....missing \item\caption

2) \caption주석 처리된 상태로 두고 중 하나를 로 변경하면 \tabularnewline오류 \\가 발생합니다.

\\이는 내가 vs. 와 관련이 있을 수 있다고 생각하게 만듭니다 \tabularnewline. 이제 이에 대한 일반적인 솔루션은 기본적으로 다음 정의가 있는 패키지를 \arraybackslash포함 하는 것입니다.array


다음을 포함하면 (그리고 좀 더 간결하게 만들기 위해 \arraybackslash약간 수정 ):\newcolumntype


            \caption{\small Sample caption.\label{tab:qfd}} \tabularnewline
        A & B  & C  & D & E   \tabularnewline
        1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5     \tabularnewline

tabularx이제 오류 없이 환경 내에 포함된 캡션과 함께 작동합니다 .

테스트 테이블

지금은 잘 모르겠습니다.그렇기 때문에 더 완전한 답변이 나오면 답변을 삭제하겠습니다. 지금은 @Slovakov에 대한 빠른 솔루션을 제공하겠습니다.

특정 솔루션:


            \caption{\small Sample caption.\label{tab:qfd}} \tabularnewline
\rowcolor{steelblue} \textcolor{white}{Quality Characteristics  ( Requirements)} & \textcolor{white}{Minimize, Maximize, or Target}  & \textcolor{white}{Max Relationship}  & \textcolor{white}{Requirement  Weight} & \textcolor{white}{Relative Weight}   \tabularnewline
Possibility of Automation                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                  \tabularnewline
Curling                                                               & minimize                                                                & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Young's modulus                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 10,26               & 0,80\%                                  \tabularnewline
Peel-off adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 47,62               & 3,72\%                             \tabularnewline
Presence of characteristic feature                                    &target                                                               & 1                                                                  & 1,50                & 0,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Substrate preparation time                                            & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Number of steps                                                       & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
time of application                                                   & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 19,89               & 1,55\%                                  \tabularnewline
Film preparation time                                                 & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Equipment Cost                                                        & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 4,50                & 0,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Consumables cost per hour                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,51               & 1,05\%                                  \tabularnewline
Material cost per area                                                & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,89               & 1,08\%                                  \tabularnewline
Wetting                                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 28,44               & 2,22\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum Heat Absorption                                               & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 14,14               & 1,10\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stain resistance                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,28               & 2,67\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface texture                                                       &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 85,20               & 6,65\%                                  \tabularnewline
Area of residue left                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Self-healing properties                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 22,27               & 1,74\%                                  \tabularnewline
Ability of repair with DIY paint repair kits (decorative only)        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Polishing quality                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,00                & 0,39\%                                  \tabularnewline
Scratch resistance                                                    & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 34,15               & 2,66\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge Roughness                                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 38,78               & 3,03\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of adhesive                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Cling adhesion                                                        &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 7,51                & 0,59\%                                  \tabularnewline
Opacity                                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,80               & 1,23\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour deviation                                                      & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 76,19               & 5,94\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thickness                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,98               & 2,34\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge visibility                                                       & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 22,77               & 1,78\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss                                                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 55,80               & 4,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Transmittance of protective film                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of bubbles                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Features supporting bubble-free application                           &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 6,01                & 0,47\%                                  \tabularnewline
Orange peel look                                                      &target                                                             & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Variation in surface roughness                                        & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 11,63               & 0,91\%                                  \tabularnewline
Rubbing wear resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Reactivity with chemical substances                                   &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 39,41               & 3,07\%                                  \tabularnewline
Abrasion Resistance                                                   & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Nano-scratch resistance                                               & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Elongation                                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 23,52               & 1,83\%                                  \tabularnewline
Stone chipping resistance                                             & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Impact toughness                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shear adhesion                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Edge adhesion                                                         & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Pressure adhesion                                                     & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Surface Energy                                                        & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,39               & 1,43\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possibility to apply custom colour                                    &target                                                              & 9                                                                  & 14,64               & 1,14\%                                 \tabularnewline
Printability                                                          &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 4,88                & 0,38\%                                  \tabularnewline
Possible to store in production area                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 12,39               & 0,97\%                                  \tabularnewline
Colour changing properties                                            &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 9,76                & 0,76\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal conductivity                                                  &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 14,39               & 1,12\%                                  \tabularnewline
Thermal expansion coefficient                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Minimum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Maximum operating temperature                                         &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 20,52               & 1,60\%                                  \tabularnewline
Hardness                                                              & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Change in toughness per time                                          & minimize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,13                & 0,40\%                                  \tabularnewline
Gloss loss over time                                                  & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Corrosion resistance                                                  & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Water absorption                                                      & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 29,23               & 2,28\%                                  \tabularnewline
Air tightness                                                         & maximize                                                                & 3                                                                  & 5,75                & 0,45\%                                  \tabularnewline
Solubility in water                                                   &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 15,39               & 1,20\%                                  \tabularnewline
Shrinkage                                                             & minimize                                                               & 9                                                                  & 17,26               & 1,35\%                                  \tabularnewline
Yellowing                                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 18,02               & 1,41\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of toxic substances                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Toxicity after disposal                                               &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Flammability                                                          &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 18,77               & 1,46\%                                  \tabularnewline
Percentage content of recyclable materials                            & maximize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 16,51               & 1,29\%                                  \tabularnewline
Presence of standard Toxic substances                                 &target                                                               & 9                                                                  & 16,89               & 1,32\%                                  \tabularnewline
Friction drag coefficient                                             & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 9,38                & 0,73\%                                  \tabularnewline
Mass per area                                                         & minimize                                                                & 9                                                                  & 13,14               & 1,02\%                                  \tabularnewline
Usage of special or specific tools                                    &target                                                               & 3                                                                  & 3,50                & 0,27\%                                \tabularnewline \hline


관련 정보