apa6에서 회전된 긴 테이블의 위치 지정

apa6에서 회전된 긴 테이블의 위치 지정

LaTeX에서 apa6 패키지를 사용하여 원고를 마무리하고 있습니다. 한 가지를 제외하고는 모든 것이 잘 진행되었습니다.회전된 긴 테이블원고 끝에. 표 자체는 작동하고 문제가 없지만 옵션을 제거해도 원고 끝으로 이동하지 않습니다 floatsintext(그러나 문서의 다른 모든 표는 그렇습니다). 문제는 longtable이 landscapeapa6에서 인식되지 않는 환경에 있다는 것입니다. 또는 유사한 것으로 교체 landscape하면 sidewaystable작동하지 않습니다. apa6에서 이 넓은 롱테이블 작업을 수행하는 방법에 대한 제안을 받게 되어 기쁩니다.

최소한의 예:

               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode


%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}









\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\








이것은 작동하는 것 같지만 테이블에 가로 모드만 사용하는 경우에만 해당됩니다.

저는 apa6에 익숙하지 않지만 추가하는 패키지 중 상당수가 자동으로 로드되는 것으로 의심됩니다. 문서에서 한 번에 하나씩 주석을 달고 오류가 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode




%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}







\caption{this is actually a table}




\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\







관련 정보