정렬 환경에서 hbox가 가득 찼습니다. 어떻게 줄을 끊어야 합니까?

정렬 환경에서 hbox가 가득 찼습니다. 어떻게 줄을 끊어야 합니까?

논리적인 인수를 만들려고 하는데 hbox가 너무 꽉 찼다는 오류가 발생합니다.

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts}

P1\text{*}: & \quad \text{P1 is a mathematical abstraction of distance.} \\ 
P2\text{*}: & \quad \text{P2 is a statement regarding distances in the physical world.} \\
P3\text{*}: & \quad \text{The physical world requires a resolution to distinguish distance, while mathematics can use any resolution.} \\
C1\text{*}: & \quad \text{Therefore, Zeno's argument is flawed.}

"물리적 세계에서는 거리를 구별하기 위해 해상도가 필요한 반면 수학은 어떤 해상도든 사용할 수 있습니다."라는 줄에서 쉼표로 선을 나누고 싶지만 어떻게 해야 합니까? 감사해요!


tabularxor 를 사용하는 두 가지 가능성은 다음과 같습니다 itemize.


P1* & P1 is a mathematical abstraction of distance.\\
P2* & P2 is a statement regarding distances in the physical world. \\
P3* & The physical world requires a resolution to distinguish distance, while mathematics can use any resolution. \\
C1 & Therefore, Zeno's argument is flawed.

\item[P1*:] P1 is a mathematical abstraction of distance.
\item [P2*:]  P2 is a statement regarding distances in the physical world. 
\item[P3*:]  The physical world requires a resolution to distinguish distance, while mathematics can use any resolution. 
\item[C1:]  Therefore, Zeno's argument is flawed.

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description환경 및 패키지 포함 enumitem:



\begin{description}[font = \normalfont, labelwidth=1cm, leftmargin=!, itemsep=2pt]
\item[P1\textsuperscript{*}:] P1 is a mathematical abstraction of distance.
\item[P2\textsuperscript{*}:] P2 is a statement regarding distances in the physical world. distinguish distance, while mathematics can use any resolution.
\item[P3\textsuperscript{*}:] The physical world requires a resolution to distinguish distance, while mathematics can use any resolution.
\item[C1\textsuperscript{*}:] Therefore, Zeno's argument is flawed.


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