전체 마지막 줄 + 페이지 노트 = 가짜 빈 줄

전체 마지막 줄 + 페이지 노트 = 가짜 빈 줄

큰 책에서는 문단 사이에 가짜 빈 줄이 나타나는 경우가 자주 있습니다. 공통점은 단락이 마지막 줄을 거의 정확하게 채우고 그 뒤에 미주/각주와 관련된 몇 가지 지침이 따라온다는 것입니다.

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It is unbelievable how much you don't know{\itshape } about the game you've
been playing all your life. }{\textit{---Mickey Mantle}}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265899]{{\itshape 
It is unbelievable how much you don't know}: \cite[p.\ 42]{b:QualityOfCourage}}%%
A man is sitting at a desk and typing.
He is writing in a language that no one on earth speaks.
Without long hours of study,
even someone who understood the language would be hard
pressed to read his work and understand his precise intent.
Sometimes, he stops and thinks, or draws pictures on
a piece of paper or whiteboard, or stops to sleep, eat, or
meet with others, but he always returns to typing.
Hours turn into days, days into weeks,
weeks into months, and perhaps even months into
years before the man stands up and declares he is \enquote{done.}%
Done with what?
What has he created?%
What he has created is a computer program,
but that explains little about what it is or even where
it exists.
At the physical level,
a computer program is usually a microscopic pattern of either electricity or
It may flow as whirling fields of electromagnetism from one form into another,
and be endlessly duplicated and replicated across many different
It often exists in a great many places---indeed, it only
really ceases to exist if all those copies are tracked down and obliterated
(and modern programmers generally keep an astounding number of copies of each program).%
What, then, is computer programming, really?
Computer programming can be described in a number of ways,
but I will give you a factually accurate description of the
profession that you have not heard before: \begin{quote}\textbf{Computer programming is the act of designing complex patterns
of energy that affect the world.}\end{quote} I chose the two clauses in that definition carefully.
Although there are other professions that produce patterns
of energy (such as broadcasting electromagnetic FM waves),
they are not acts of designed energy like computer programming,
where every ultra-microscopic electric, magnetic, or chemical state is a result of human decision. \label{id265852}The composer Edgard Var\`{e}se declared that \label{id265846}\enquote{Music is organized sound.} and I am making an analogous declaration: software is organized energy. \label{id265842}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265852]{{\itshape The composer Edgard Var\`{e}se declared that \enquote{Music is organized sound.}}: \protect \cite[]{j:OrganizedSound}.
    And though an infinite amount of music can be composed
    with a twelve-note scale,
    software has reduced this to the logical extreme,
    generating its infinite variations from only two notes.
    Var\`{e}se also said that \enquote{Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical} \protect \cite[]{b:ClassicEssaysMusic},
    which is perhaps also analogous to the situation with software,
    or maybe the mere longing of all creators for better tools.}\ignorespaces %%
 And though much software operates nearly invisibly,
software affects the world in increasingly direct ways;%
\footnote{\label{FN:id265788}\label{FN:id265811}Turing Award winner Butler Lampson asserts the three historical phases of computers to date are:
    modeling the world, connecting people, and engaging with the physical world.
    The progression of these phases represents increasingly direct effects on the world.}
even in the early days when software might produce merely a
number that a human would read,
some of those numbers helped create the first atomic bomb,
so the size of software's effect on the world cannot be inferred
from how directly the software manipulates the world.
% removing the following line eliminates the unwanted empty line between paragraphs.
\setcounterref{pagenote}{FN:id265788}\pagenote[FN:id265811]{{\itshape Turing Award winner Butler Lampson asserts the three historical phases of computers}: \cite[]{c:WhatComputersDo}}
\label{id265810}Born quite accidentally from the most obscure and useless mathematics, computers have turned that uselessness on its head; 
 \label{id265743}if mathematics is an art, \label{id265733}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265743]{{\itshape if mathematics is an art}: A position argued most passionately by
    Paul Lockhart as a primary factor dooming
    the teaching of mathematics in the United States. \protect \cite[]{w:MathematiciansLament}}\ignorespaces %%
 \label{id265730}then computer programming is the surprising
translation of art into action.%
\footnote{\label{FN:id265710}Robert Tarjan (another Turing Award winner) chose
computer science over mathematics as a graduate student
because he saw it as \label{FN:id265706}\enquote{a way to do mathematics and see it actually perform in practice.}} \label{id265726}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265730]{{\itshape then computer programming is the surprising
translation of art into action.}: made more surprising by its suddenness. \enquote{\textup{[\kern-.05pt...\kern-.2pt]}\xspace{}
        the modern notion of computation emerged remarkably suddenly,
        and in a most complete form,
        in a single paper published by Alan Turing in 1936.} \protect \cite[p.\ 3]{b:ProbablyApproximatelyCorrect}}\ignorespaces %%
  Mathematics has been called \label{id265702}\enquote{the science of patterns,}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265702]{{\itshape \enquote{the science of patterns,}}: \cite[p.\ 7]{b:MathGene}} and that intersects with my own definition of
computer programming in the word \label{id265696}\enquote{patterns.} This is correct, since patterns are the common ground shared by
mathematics (on the more descriptive side) and programming \label{id265692}(on the decidedly prescriptive side). \label{id265661}\setcounter{pagenote}{0}\pagenote[id265692]{{\itshape (on the decidedly prescriptive side)}: I use here the definition of \enquote{prescribe} that is
    synonymous with \enquote{stipulate} or \enquote{dictate.}}\ignorespaces %%
\setcounterref{pagenote}{FN:id265710}\pagenote[FN:id265706]{{\itshape\enquote{a way to do mathematics and see it actually perform in practice.}}: \cite[]{v:AlgorithmicViewUniverse}}%

원치 않는 동작의 정확한 지점은 다음과 같습니다.

from how directly the software manipulates the world.
% removing the following line eliminates the unwanted empty line between paragraphs.
\setcounterref{pagenote}{FN:id265788}\pagenote[FN:id265811]{{\itshape Turing Award winner Butler Lampson asserts the three historical phases of computers}: \cite[]{c:WhatComputersDo}}

그리고 원치 않는 빈 줄은 다음과 같이 보입니다(실제 참고 문헌을 포함하고 전체 책을 "정말로" 구축하기 위해 여러 단계를 실행하더라도 마찬가지입니다). 여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요 저는 Tex Live 2017을 실행 중이고 "pdflatex book.tex"를 입력하여 출력을 얻었습니다.

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from how directly the software manipulates the world.
\setcounterref{pagenote}{FN:id265788}\pagenote[FN:id265811]{{\itshape Turing 
Award winner Butler Lampson asserts the three historical phases of computers}: 

LaTeX는 모든 개행에서 공백을 봅니다. 특히 첫 번째 줄과 두 번째 줄 사이에 공백이 있습니다. 이후의 지침은 aux 파일에 작성해야 하므로 "whatsit" 노드를 삽입합니다. 따라서 첫 번째 줄 끝의 공백은 "discardable"이므로 문단 끝에서 삭제되지만 그 뒤에는 버릴 수 없는 "whatsit"이 있으므로 버릴 수 없습니다. 이로 인해 단락 끝에 공백이 생기고 TeX은 때때로 이를 중단점으로 사용합니다. (자세한 내용은 연습 14.12 이후의 TeXbook을 참조하세요.)

이 공백을 추가하지 않으면 이를 방지할 수 있으므로 텍스트 뒤에 가 있는 줄이 나올 때마다 줄 끝에 \pagenote를 추가하세요 .%

주어진 예에서 이것은

from how directly the software manipulates the world.%
\setcounterref{pagenote}{FN:id265788}\pagenote[FN:id265811]{{\itshape Turing 
Award winner Butler Lampson asserts the three historical phases of computers}: 

관련 정보