![STIX 2.0의 heppennames에서 굵은 글꼴이 작동하지 않습니다.](https://rvso.com/image/370320/STIX%202.0%EC%9D%98%20heppennames%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C%20%EA%B5%B5%EC%9D%80%20%EA%B8%80%EA%BC%B4%EC%9D%B4%20%EC%9E%91%EB%8F%99%ED%95%98%EC%A7%80%20%EC%95%8A%EC%8A%B5%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4..png)
입자 이름 지정 패키지가 표시되도록 굵은 글꼴 버전을 얻을 수 없습니다. 아래에 있습니다. 순열을 보여주기 위해 조금 깁니다.
Bold fonts in heppennames/hepparticles fail with \texttt{fontspec/unicode/lualatex}.
Using \texttt{symXXX} works:
$\symup B^\pm$, $B^\pm$, $\symsf B^\pm$,
$\symbfup B^\pm$, $\symbfit B^\pm$, $\symbfsf B^\pm$,
$\symsfit B^\pm$, $\symbfsfit B^\pm$, also greek works:
$\symbf\gamma$, $\symbfup\gamma$,
$\symbf{\widetilde{\chi}^0_1}$, and $\symbfup{\widetilde{\chi}^0_1}$.
No bold $\ell$: $\symbf\ell$ or upright $\ell$: $\symup\ell$. Below
are heppennames/hepparticles versions. Also looks like sans greek is not upright in
\section{\normalfont Normal font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\normalfont\itshape Italic font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\normalfont\sffamily Sans font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{Bold font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\itshape Bold italic font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\sffamily Bold sans font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\normalfont\sffamily\itshape Italic sans font}
\item charged B meson\newline \texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
\section{\sffamily\itshape Bold italic sans font}
\item charged B meson\newline\texcmd{PBpm} $\Rightarrow$ \PBpm
\item photon\newline \texcmd{Pgg} $\Rightarrow$ \Pgg
\item lepton\newline \texcmd{Pl} $\Rightarrow$ \Pl
\item lightest neutralino\newline \texcmd{PSgxzi} $\Rightarrow$ \PSgxzi
일부 글꼴 선택 논리를 수정하고(그리고 체계적으로 \symXXX를 입력한 후) 여기에 있습니다... \ell을 제외한 모든 작업은 다음과 같습니다.