비머의 RTL 언어 정리 상자

비머의 RTL 언어 정리 상자

정리 환경 영어와 RTL 언어(아랍어)를 모두 갖고 싶습니다. 이는 정리 상자가 오른쪽에 있음을 의미합니다.


%% to use arabic language and arabic fonts
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic, Scale=1.0]{Traditional Arabic}
\newfontfamily\arabicfonttt[Script=Arabic, Scale=1.0]{Tahoma}
\setsansfont[Script=Arabic]{Simplified Arabic}



\frametitle{Sample frame title}

this is theorem in english version

\begin{block}{\textarabic{تعريف }}
this is theorem in arabic version which the left box will be in right side of the theorem enviroment
\textarabic{نص التعريف}

this is theorem in english version


bla bla 



% !TeX TS-program = xelatex


%% to use arabic language and arabic fonts
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\arabicfontsf[Script=Arabic]{Times New Roman}



\frametitle{Sample frame title}

this is theorem in english version

\begin{block}{\textarabic{تعريف }}
this is theorem in arabic version which the left box will be in right side of the theorem enviroment
\textarabic{نص التعريف}



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