Beamer: "Subtitles" in theorem

Beamer: "Subtitles" in theorem

In my documents, I'm currently using paragraph to create "sub titles" inside my theorems.

In preamble:


In document:


A recipe is 

\item a desired outcome
\item a language of instruction
\paragraph{a set of}
\item required inputs
\item cooking instructions 
\item sanity checks
\paragraph{, such that}
\item the desired outcome is achieved using inputs and instructions
\item the sanity checks verify that the cook is still sane


which gives

mock output

Now, I would like to have something similar in my beamer slides. However, it appears that paragraph is not working there -- the following document creates an error (undefined control sequence):

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk


% add page numbers for malmoe

\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%




A recipe is 

\item a desired outcome
\item a language of instruction
\paragraph{a set of}
\item required inputs
\item cooking instructions 
\item sanity checks
\paragraph{, such that}
\item the desired outcome is achieved using inputs and instructions
\item the sanity checks verify that the cook is still sane



I need alert{} to emphasize some of the items in the lists, so I don't want to use \alert as headlines. How else could I reproduce the above layout in beamer? Optimally, there'd be also less spacing above the headlines, or even better -- a way for me to control it.


If you want to stay with already defined commands, you could for example use \structure{}:


\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%




A recipe is 

\item a desired outcome
\item a language of instruction
\structure{a set of}
\item required inputs
\item cooking instructions 
\item sanity checks
\structure{, such that}
\item the desired outcome is achieved using inputs and instructions
\item the sanity checks verify that the cook is still sane



Or you could create a new command and style it to fit your needs:


\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%





A recipe is 

\item a desired outcome
\item a language of instruction
\mypar{a set of}
\item required inputs
\item cooking instructions 
\item sanity checks
\mypar{, such that}
\item the desired outcome is achieved using inputs and instructions
\item the sanity checks verify that the cook is still sane



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