![\begin{table} makes table disappear](https://rvso.com/image/370710/%5Cbegin%7Btable%7D%20makes%20table%20disappear.png)
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\usepackage[caption = false]{subfig}
\begin{tabular}{|c c|}
Parameter & Intensity [mW] \\
\hline \hline
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I_0(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
When I remove \begin{table}
& \end{table}
the tables does appear, however I cant add \caption
or \label
. Does anyone knows how to make the table appear with \begin{table}
& \end{table}
I am unable to replicate the problem you describe once I add the instructions \begin{document}
and \end{document}
to your code. I can only assume (and hope...) that the table which you're actually trying to typeset different from the "dummy" table you posted.
At any rate, I'd make an effort to improve the intelligibility of the table, say, by omitting all \hline
directives and, instead, loading the booktabs
package and drawing far fewer, but well-spaced lines. Switching from a tabular
to an array
environment would improve the readability of the code, by allowing a serious reduction in the number of $
symbols used throughout the table.
\usepackage{blindtext} % do you really need this?
%%\usepackage{array} % is loaded automatically by 'tabularx'
\usepackage{adjustbox} % do you reall need this package?
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
%%\usepackage[caption = false]{subfig}
\usepackage{booktabs} % <-- new
$Parameter$ & $Intensity [mW]$ \\
I_0(0,0) & 0.23 \\
I_1(0,0) & 0.23 \\
I_2(0,0) & 0.23 \\[0.75ex]
I_4(0,0) & 0.23 \\
I_4(0,0) & 0.23 \\
I_5(0,0) & 0.23 \\
fixed using:
\begin{tabular}{|c | c|}
Parámetros & Intensidades [mW] \\
$I(0,0)$ & $0.23$ \\
$I(\frac{\pi}{4},0)$ & $0.25$ \\
$I(\frac{\pi}{2},0)$ & $0.27$ \\
$I(\frac{3\pi}{4},0)$ & $0.26$ \\
$I(\frac{\pi}{4},\frac{\pi}{2})$ & $0.23$ \\
$I(\frac{3\pi}{4},\frac{\pi}{2})$ & $0.23$ \\