Setting itemindent in enumerate environment

Setting itemindent in enumerate environment


I want to make this numbered list : 

[leftmargin=*, labelindent=15pt, labelsep=1.0em, font=\normalfont, label=\arabic*)]
  \item \lipsum[1]
  \item \lipsum[2]

Look like this : 

1)\quad \lipsum[1]

2)\quad \lipsum[2]



You could use the wide option as shown in the following MWE:


[labelsep=1.0em, font=\normalfont, label=\arabic*), wide=\parindent]
  \item \lipsum[1]
  \item \lipsum[2]

With this convenience key, the leftmargin is null and the label is part of the text—in other word, the items look like ordinary paragraphs.[...]

See section '3.9 “Wide” lists' of the enumitem documentation for more details.

To indent the first line of the items equally to the indentation of paragraphs, you can use wide=\parindent or just wide.

관련 정보