Compact lists in beamer

Compact lists in beamer

In my standard latex documents, I'm using enumitem to change my list output, in two ways:

  1. Make lists (on demand) more compact (noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt)
  2. Change labeling of enumerate on the fly.

as via this answer. However, when doing that in my beamer-powered slides, I get an error along the lines of

tex capacity exceeded sorry grouping levels=255

It appears that enumitem is not compatible with beamer. What's a workaround to get these two features in beamer? Mock-up slide:

enter image description here

("a", "b", "c" are missing the dot, but I guess the point comes across).

Here's the doc that errs out:

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk


% add page numbers for malmoe

\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%



\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo

\item[a] Bar
\item[b] Baz
\item[c] Domingo

and bar

\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo




  1. Change labeling of enumerate on the fly.

To change the enumerate label on the fly there are several possibilities, for example:



\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo

\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo

\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{\alph{enumi}.}
\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo

and bar

\item Bar
\item Baz
\item Domingo


enter image description here

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