Ugly ragged fonts in pdflatex and lualatex prints

Ugly ragged fonts in pdflatex and lualatex prints

I recently had to print out one of my LaTeX documents and was surprised by the bad quality of the prints in comparison to standard Word or PDF prints. The font produced in the prints by pdflatex or LuaLaTeX is a little 'ragged' around the edges, however the digital PDFs seem to be fine.

The picture shows the problem, especially in the words 'over' and 'dog'.

  1. LuaLaTeX, 12pt article, fontspec
  2. pdfLaTeX (latexmk), 12pt article, T1 fontenc
  3. Standard PDF created by Word 2016 as a comparison

Any suggestions what the problem could be?

enter image description here

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