Can I refer to specific align line numeration, in similar way how I can refer to \bibitem with \cite?

Can I refer to specific align line numeration, in similar way how I can refer to \bibitem with \cite?

If I make bibliography, then I can make unique name for any position, for example by \bibitem{tutor}, then refer to it in the text with \cite{tutor}.

Now, let's say that I am writing some bigger text, usually using \begin{align} and \end{align} for adding mathematical formulas, so I can format them nicely and have them being automatically enumerated.

While I keep adding and changing things, numeration keeps changing, so something that was previously "Theorem (5.24)" becomes "Theorem (5.36)", etc. It's really problematic, as I have to keep changing it manually, which is inane and adds much of unnecessary work.

Can I make this more flexible, so later I don't have to go through every single reference that I wrote manually and change it to something else?

Maybe there's a way to possibly "label" certain align lines and refer to them later, using this unique label in similar way to how I can use \bibitem and \cite?

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