what does erase word/cmd/env in texstudio do?

what does erase word/cmd/env in texstudio do?

It is in the idefix menu, but I was not able to figure out what it does. I tried looking at the manual, but it only states that it exists, and does not explain.


Put the cursor in middle of a command, for example \al|pha (| represents the cursor) and press Alt+del . What happens? The command should be deleted.

Try later with commands with arguments, like \tild|e{a}.


In my experiment:

  1. If the cursor is on or next to a word, the word is deleted.

  2. If the cursor is on or next to a command, the command name is deleted (along with the backslash, if the command is known to the command completion system of TeXStudio).

  3. If the cursor is on or next \begin or \end, the corresponding \begin{...} and \end{...} parts will be deleted (not the environment's content).

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