adding blocks in Presento beamer theme

adding blocks in Presento beamer theme

I wish to add blocks in Presento beamer theme. I am not able to get the frame around the blocks.

  \frametitle{Frame title}
  \begin{block}{Observation 1} 
    Simmons Hall is composed.
  \begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
    Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
    Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.

How I would use the standard blocks in Presento beamer theme as in other themes like Madrid etc. What line should add/remove in the .sty file to get the frames around the standard blocks(like alert, example and basic block.) Thanks in advance.


The boxes are already there, but their colour is invisible. To make them visible, you can for example use \usecolortheme{orchid} to get the colours used in many of the standard themes.

% !TeX TS-program = xelatex



\frametitle{Frame title}
\begin{block}{Observation 1} Simmons Hall is composed.
\begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.

enter image description here

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