Place a node at a given pixel value within an image

Place a node at a given pixel value within an image

I have and pdf image that is 4903 × 314 pixels. How can I place a node in the image at (3903, 251)? The image itself will be scaled to fit the page width.


EDIT: Added second macro for multiple nodes

Description of \PlaceInImageAt: The first arguments in (#1,#2) should be the pixel size of the image, the second (#4,#5) should be the pixel at which you want to place your node. #3 should be the image to use, the optional [#6] are the options you can give to \node and finally #7 are the contents of that node. The size argument (#1,#2) is optional. If it isn't specified, (100,100) is used. You can scale the image to whichever sizes you want (even unproportional) by altering the \includegraphics command in #3.

Description of \MultiPlaceInImageAt: First three arguments are identical. The optional [#4] takes options which should be passed to each node. The last argument is a comma separated list. Each node should be enclosed in braces with the following scheme {<x>,<y>=[<options>]<content>}.


\newcommand\PlaceInImageAt{}% just to check whether it is already defined
      \draw[use as bounding box] node at (0,0) {\usebox\PlaceInImageAtbox};
      \pgfmathsetmacro\PlaceInImageAtx{(#4 - #1/2) * (\wd\PlaceInImageAtbox/#1)}
      \pgfmathsetmacro\PlaceInImageAty{(#5 - #2/2) * (\ht\PlaceInImageAtbox/#2)}
      \node[#6] at (\PlaceInImageAtx pt,\PlaceInImageAty pt) {#7};
      \draw[use as bounding box] node at (0,0) {\usebox\PlaceInImageAtbox};
    \pgfmathsetmacro\PlaceInImageAtx{(#1 - #5/2) * (\wd\PlaceInImageAtbox/#5)}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\PlaceInImageAty{(#2 - #6/2) * (\ht\PlaceInImageAtbox/#6)}
    \node[#7,#3] at (\PlaceInImageAtx pt, \PlaceInImageAty pt) {#4};



  [red]% option for each node

enter image description here


Here is a code that does it if you only scale the graphics to \textwidth (such that the vertical scaling is proportional).

UPDATE: Wrote a little macro for repeated use.

\node[#1] (#4) at  (\myx pt,\myy pt) {#5};
\node at (0,0){\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image-a}};



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